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Survey Year Question Frequency Recency OrigSort
2022 Which statement is closest to your view? Statement A: The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed that major changes are needed in our public health systems, including more funding. Statement B: The COVID-19 pandemic is a once-in-a-lifetime event and existing systems are dealing with it adequately. 1 2022 202201010058
2022 To the best of your knowledge, how important was private sector funded research to the development of COVID-19 vaccines? 1 2022 202201010059
2022 To the best of your knowledge, how important was publicly funded research to the development of COVID-19 vaccines? 1 2022 202201010060
2023 , 2022 , 2021 Studies show that in addition to increased risk from COVID-19, some health problems such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and infant mortality happen more often among certain minorities or citizens with lower incomes. How important do you feel it is to conduct research to combat health disparities? 3 2023 202301210255
2022 Do you think federal investment in mental health research has been adequate, not adequate or about right? 1 2022 202201010068
2022 , 2021 Please indicate the extent to which you agree that opioid abuse and addiction is a major problem in your community. 2 2022 202201010069
2021 What would you say is the second most important health issue facing the nation? (Choose one) 1 2021 202101220029
2021 Which statement is closest to your view? Statement A: The COVID-19 pandemic is a disruptive event and requires that the United States assign a higher priority to science and technology. Statement B: Things will get back to normal soon; we don't need increased efforts in science. 1 2021 202101220048
2021 , 2020Q3 Which statement is closest to your view? Statement A: The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed that major changes are needed in our public health systems, including more funding. Statement B: The COVID-19 pandemic is a once-in-a-lifetime event and existing systems are dealing with it adequately. 2 2021 202101220049
2021 There has been a great deal more attention to science during the COVID-19 pandemic. Some people say that science in general is now more trusted because of this heightened awareness; others disagree. Which would you say applies to you? 1 2021 202101220050
2021 To the best of your knowledge, how essential was publicly funded research to the development of COVID-19 vaccines? 1 2021 202101220067
2021 To the best of your knowledge, how essential was private sector funded research to the development of COVID-19? 1 2021 202101220068
2021 In the past year, do you think the problem of people being addicted to opioids in your community has gotten better, gotten worse, or remained about the same? 1 2021 202101220091
2021 Do you believe the use of embryonic stem cells is necessary for progress in human health? 1 2021 202101220093
2023 Is there a mental health crisis in the U.S. today? 1 2023 202301210218
2023 Do you think federal investment in mental health research is adequate, not adequate or about right? 1 2023 202301210219
2023 , 2020Q3 Do you believe that you have personally benefited from the development of vaccines over the last 50 years? 2 2023 202301210220
2023 Do you favor or oppose increased federal spending on research to improve and find new vaccines? 1 2023 202301210221
2023 , 2020Q3 In general, how confident are you in the safety of vaccines used today? 2 2023 202301210222
2024Q1 , 2023 How concerned are you that antibiotic resistance will make more infections difficult to treat or even deadly? 2 2024 202402080090
2024Q1 , 2023 , 2022 Which statement is closest to your view? Statement A: The federal government should invest in preventing and curing diseases wherever they occur. Statement B:The federal government should invest in preventing and curing diseases only if they pose an immediate risk to people in this country. 3 2024 202402080094
2023 How important is it for the federal government to fund international programs on detection of infectious disease outbreaks? 1 2023 202301210225
2023 In the past 5 years, do you think the problem of people being addicted to opioids in your local community has gotten better, gotten worse, or remained about the same? 1 2023 202301210256
2023 , 2022 , 2021 , 2020Q3 , 2018 How much, if at all, do you think climate change will harm the following, in the next ten years…Your own health 5 2023 202301210261
2023 , 2022 , 2021 , 2020Q3 , 2018 How much, if at all, do you think climate change is currently harming: 5 2023 202301210257
2023 , 2022 , 2021 , 2020Q3 How much, if at all, do you think climate change will harm the following, in the next ten years: 4 2023 202301210262
2021 If offered a COVID-19 vaccine, how likely are you to be vaccinated based on the following factors: 1 2021 202101220076
2018 How important is it for the federal government to provide adequate resources to a reserve fund to respond to public health emergencies including disease outbreaks and natural disasters? 1 2018 201801260014
2018 How important is it for the U.S. to invest public dollars in the prevention of suicide? 1 2018 201801260016
2018 How important is it for the federal government to fund research on social determinants of health (education, housing, income, access to healthy food and healthcare) to address health disparities? 1 2018 201801260018
2018 In your view, who should conduct research on social determinants of health? (Choose all that apply) 1 2018 201801260019
2018 Would you be willing to pay $1 per week more in taxes to support research on social determinants of health? 1 2018 201801260020
2018 Do you think public investment in mental health research is enough, not enough or about right? 1 2018 201801260022
2018 Rural health research focuses on issues important to the delivery of rural medical services, the viability of rural healthcare facilities, and the health of individuals in rural areas. How important is it to increase federal funding for such research? 1 2018 201801260049
2024Q1 , 2018 , 2017 Do you support or oppose increased funding for research to better understand and combat opioid addiction? 3 2024 202402080089
2018 , 2017 Is prescription pain medication abuse and addiction a major problem in your community? 2 2018 201801260057
2018 , 2017 Do you know anyone who experienced pain so severe that they sought prescription medicines to treat it? 2 2018 201801260058
2018 Do you agree or disagree that the opioid epidemic has negatively impacted local economies and job growth? 1 2018 201801260059
2018 Which of the following is responsible for educating the public about opioid addiction? (Choose all that apply) 1 2018 201801260060
2018 Which of the following are barriers to effectively combating the opioid epidemic? Choose all that apply) 1 2018 201801260061
2017 , 2016 , 2015 Studies show that certain health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, and infant mortality happen more often among minorities or citizens with lower incomes. How important do you feel it is to conduct medical or health research to understand and eliminate these differences? 3 2017 201701270071
2016 How important is it for our nation to support Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) research? 1 2016 201601220023
2016 Which of the following should pay for TBI research? (Choose all that apply) 1 2016 201601220024
2016 Compared with other policy areas, how high a priority should Congress make health promotion and disease prevention research: 1 2016 201601220045
2016 Some types of prevention research aim to help people make behavioral changes that can help them overcome health threats such as obesity, hypertension and diabetes. Do you believe the U.S. government should help fund this prevention research? 1 2016 201601220046
2016 Some types of prevention research aim to help people make behavioral changes that can help them overcome health threats such as smoking. Do you believe the U.S. government should help fund this prevention research? 1 2016 201601220047
2016 Do you support or oppose research into the causes and prevention of gun violence? 1 2016 201601220064
2016 Do you support or oppose the current ban on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention funding research into the causes and prevention of gun violence? 1 2016 201601220065
2015 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) works to protect America from health, safety and security threats, both foreign and in the U.S. How important is it to increase funding for the CDC? 1 2015 201501170031
2022Q3 Have you ever sought information about brain health, from any sources? 1 2022 202208130034
2022Q3 The most recent time you sought information about brain health, where did you go first? (choose one) 1 2022 202208130035
2022Q3 Brain health research is the study of the brain and nervous system, including their structure, function, and disorders. Have you heard about brain health research before? 1 2022 202208130047
2022Q3 Some people say that patients should have more of a voice in determining brain health research priorities. In general, which statement most closely matches your view? 1 2022 202208130048
2022Q3 Please select from the following the top five words that best reflect your attitudes towards brain health research: 1 2022 202208130049
2022Q3 Can you name any institution, company, or organization involved in brain health research? 1 2022 202208130050
2022Q3 Which, if any, of these institutions should NOT be involved in (funding and/or conducting) brain health research? Select all that apply 1 2022 202208130055
2022Q3 The BRAIN Initiative is a national public-private research initiative that supports the development and use of innovative technologies to help us better understand the brain. Have you heard about the BRAIN Initiative before? 1 2022 202208130056
2022Q3 Brain health research progress depends on participation from patients and the public. Which of the following would motivate you to participate in brain health research? (Select all that apply) 1 2022 202208130057
2022Q3 What are the biggest obstacles or concerns to your participation in brain health research? (choose all that apply) 1 2022 202208130058
2022Q3 Which of the following statements do you agree most with? Statement A: Despite the potential for risks, I believe that brain health research will have an overall benefit to society. Statement B: There are too many risks involved with brain health research that outweigh any potential for benefit to society. 1 2022 202208130062
2022Q3 In general, do you strongly support, support, oppose, or strongly oppose the donation of brain tissue for research at death? (Select one answer.) 1 2022 202208130063
2022Q3 How knowledgeable would you say you are about brain health research? 1 2022 202208130070
2022Q3 In what ways would you consider being involved in brain health research? (Select all that apply) 1 2022 202208130071
2022Q3 Which statement is closest to your view? Statement A: There are adequate safeguards in place to ensure that brain health research is ethically conducted. Statement B: There are not sufficient safeguards in place to ensure that brain health research is ethically conducted. 1 2022 202208130072
2022Q3 Please select from the following the top five words that best reflect your attitudes towards neurotechnology: 1 2022 202208130076
2022Q3 How knowledgeable would you say you are about neurotechnologies? 1 2022 202208130077
2022Q3 Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements: People like me typically benefit from brain health research and its findings. 1 2022 202208130080
2022Q3 Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements: The treatments developed as a result of brain health research can typically be accessed by everyone. 1 2022 202208130081
2022Q3 Have you or anyone close to you benefitted from advancements in brain health research in the last 10 years? 1 2022 202208130094
2022Q3 Do you agree or disagree that brain health research is important to advancing health? 1 2022 202208130095
2022Q3 Do you think we are making enough progress in brain health research? 1 2022 202208130096
2022Q3 Who is responsible for accelerating our nation's investment in brain health research? (Select all that apply) 1 2022 202208130097
2022Q3 Do you agree or disagree that brain health research is important to improving your family's health? 1 2022 202208130098
2022Q3 How important is it to increase federal funding for research in brain health? 1 2022 202208130099
2022Q3 How important is it for the federal government to incentivize greater industry investment in new research in brain health to find treatments and cures for diseases? 1 2022 202208130100
2022Q3 Bain health research has shown that memory is not always reliable. Do you think the courts should rely less on eye witness evidence in trials? 1 2022 202208130101
2022Q3 Some people think individuals with brain disorders cannot be fully blamed for their actions. Others say that individuals with brain disorders are responsible and can be fully blamed for their actions. Which of these statements do you agree most with? 1 2022 202208130102
2022Q3 Should advances in brain health research help inform policy decisions and legislation? 1 2022 202208130103
2022Q3 Are there any other brain conditions that you or anyone close to you had or have 1 2022 202208130116
2022Q3 Please indicate whether you think the following statements about brain health are true or false: 1 2022 202208130021
2022Q3 Information about your brain health and function, or your brain data, can be used to help diagnose and treat medical conditions. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about brain data: 1 2022 202208130028
2022Q3 How trustworthy do you find each of the following sources of information on brain health: 1 2022 202208130036
2022Q3 Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements on brain health: 1 2022 202208130051
2022Q3 How important would each of the following factors be in your decision to participate in brain health research: 1 2022 202208130059
2022Q3 Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each the following on brain health: 1 2022 202208130064
2022Q3 Neurotechnologies are devices that can gather information directly from the brain and/or directly modify the function of the brain. Have you ever heard of any the following types of neurotechnologies: 1 2022 202208130073
2022Q3 In your opinion, to what extent do the following have an influence on brain health: 1 2022 202208130082
2020Q3 Would you support or oppose paying $1 per week more in taxes to support an emergency public health fund to address health threats like a pandemic? 1 2020 202008210083
2020Q3 How important is it that elected officials at all levels listen to advice from public health officials? 1 2020 202008210106
2020Q3 , 2014Q2 Please indicate which of the following statements comes closer to your view? Statement A: Some people say the FDA should move more quickly in order to approve a COVID-19 vaccine to patients, even if it means there may be risks.Statement B: Other people say FDA should act more slowly in order to reduce risk, even if it means people may wait for a vaccine. 2 2020 202008210108
2020Q3 How much of a priority are each of the following issues for the United States: 1 2020 202008210053
2020Q3 How concerned are you about each of the following: 1 2020 202008210079
2020Q3 Many people say that more needs to be done to ensure the United States is prepared not just for future pandemics but for any other unpredictable catastrophe: 1 2020 202008210093
2020Q3 Suppose you heard a vaccine was available that protected you from COVID-19. Please indicate how likely you would be to get the vaccine based on the following factors: 1 2020 202008210111
2018Q2 Which of the following would you say are the top public health concerns facing the nation? (Choose all that apply) 1 2018 201806150001
2018Q2 Do you view child abuse and neglect as a public health problem in the United States? 1 2018 201806150002
2018Q2 Do you agree or disagree that child abuse and neglect is a problem in your local community? 1 2018 201806150003
2018Q2 In your view, how much of a problem is child abuse and neglect in terms of severity in the United States? 1 2018 201806150004
2018Q2 How do you think others view child abuse and neglect as a problem in terms of severity? 1 2018 201806150005
2018Q2 Do you think health professionals are effective in intervening, preventing, or stopping abuse and appropriately treating victims? 1 2018 201806150006
2018Q2 Do you know of someone (friend or family) who has experienced child abuse and/or neglect? 1 2018 201806150007
2018Q2 Which type of child abuse was experienced? (Choose all that apply) 1 2018 201806150008
2018Q2 Did you experience child abuse and/or neglect when you were a child? 1 2018 201806150009
2018Q2 Which type of child abuse and/or neglect? (Choose all that apply) 1 2018 201806150010
2018Q2 Do you agree or disagree that people who are abused or neglected are likely to abuse or neglect their own children? 1 2018 201806150017
2018Q2 Just your best estimate, what percentage of abused children would you say grow up and abuse their children or others? 1 2018 201806150018
2018Q2 If you were worried that your neighbor's child was being abused, what would you do? (Choose all that apply) 1 2018 201806150019
2018Q2 If you were worried that someone in your family was abusing your child or young relative, what would you do? (Choose all that apply) 1 2018 201806150020
2018Q2 Which of the following areas should be prioritized in research to address child abuse and neglect? (Choose all that apply) 1 2018 201806150021
2018Q2 Which of the following should fund research to better understand, prevent and intervene in child abuse and neglect? (Choose all that apply) 1 2018 201806150022
2018Q2 Who bears the responsibility to end child abuse and neglect? (Choose all that apply) 1 2018 201806150023
2018Q2 Do you agree or disagree that the government, the social work community, child welfare agencies and researchers are effectively working together to address child abuse and neglect? 1 2018 201806150024
2018Q2 How important is it for national and local systems to share data such as reports of child abuse and neglect? 1 2018 201806150025
2018Q2 How important is it for health care providers to identify families at elevated risk of child abuse and neglect? 1 2018 201806150026
2018Q2 Do you agree or disagree that home visiting services such as those that partner nurses with families are useful to reduce child abuse and neglect? 1 2018 201806150027
2018Q2 Who should fund early infant home visiting services to support families and prevent child abuse and neglect? (Choose all that apply) 1 2018 201806150028
2018Q2 How important is early education and family support services to decrease the likelihood of child abuse and neglect? 1 2018 201806150029
2018Q2 How important is it to increase federal funding for research on child abuse and neglect? 1 2018 201806150030
2018Q2 Do you believe that in order to bring up, raise, or educate a child properly, the child needs to be physically punished? 1 2018 201806150031
2018Q2 How do you think child abuse and neglect contributes to the following from 1 to 5, with 1 being 'not at all' and 5 being 'a great deal': 1 2018 201806150011
2014Q3 Have you ever had your eyes examined by an eye care provider? 1 2014 201408140010
2014Q3 Did the examiner put in drops to dilate your eyes so he/she could look into them more easily? 1 2014 201408140011
2014Q3 What was the one MAIN reason you had your eyes examined the last time? 1 2014 201408140012
2014Q3 Is there a particular or one MAIN reason why you have never had your eyes examined by an eye care provider? 1 2014 201408140013
2014Q3 What would you do if any of the following people said you should have an eye exam. For each one, please tell if you would be... to have an eye exam - Family members 1 2014 201408140014
2014Q3 What would you do if any of the following people said you should have an eye exam. For each one, please tell if you would be... to have an eye exam - Your primary care provider 1 2014 201408140015
2014Q3 Many insurers such as Medicare and some private insurers help pay for medical care of eye diseases, but do not help pay for routine eye exams or glasses/contacts. Sometimes people have separate vision insurance to help pay for routine eye exams or glasses. Do you have insurance coverage for routine eye exams or glasses? 1 2014 201408140016
2014Q3 Select which statement best describes how your insurance situation impacts how often you have your eyes checked. 'Because of my insurance situation...' 1 2014 201408140017
2014Q3 During the past year have you seen or heard anything about eye health in... 1 2014 201408140018
2014Q3 To which of the following people have you spoken with about eye health or eye disease in the past 12 months? 1 2014 201408140019
2014Q3 Which of the following conditions do you think has the most impact on the percentage of Americans who will develop blindness from eye disorders in the U.S.? 1 2014 201408140020
2014Q3 Which of the following conditions do you think has the most impact on health care costs related to eye disorders in the US? 1 2014 201408140021
2014Q3 Thinking ahead to the year 2050, do you think there will be a higher percentage of people with blindness in the US, or a smaller percentage? 1 2014 201408140022
2014Q3 In your view, how will health care costs from eye disorders change by the year 2050? 1 2014 201408140023
2014Q3 One kind of medical research is often referred to as a clinical trial. In this, volunteers choose to participate to test the safety and effectiveness of certain treatments, drugs or devices. Have you ever heard of a clinical trial to test safety and effectiveness of treatments for eye and vision conditions? 1 2014 201408140024
2014Q3 How did you hear about clinical trials for eye and vision research? 1 2014 201408140025
2014Q3 If a health care provider found a clinical trial on eye and vision research and recommended you join, how likely would you be to participate in a clinical trial? 1 2014 201408140026
2014Q3 Which of the following would concern you as a consequence of losing your vision? 1 2014 201408140038
2014Q3 When you think about aging, do you worry about changes in or impairment to your vision? 1 2014 201408140039
2014Q3 Are you currently assisting a family member or friend with impaired vision, for example, taking them to the doctor, driving them on errands, helping around the house? 1 2014 201408140040
2014Q3 Do you agree or disagree that individuals have different risks of eye disease depending on their ethnic heritage. 1 2014 201408140041
2014Q3 Do you agree or disagree that smoking is associated with greater risk of eye disease? 1 2014 201408140042
2014Q3 Do you agree or disagree that obesity is associated with greater risk of eye disease? 1 2014 201408140043
2014Q3 Do you agree or disagree that exposure to excessive sunlight or ultraviolet radiation is associated with greater risk of eye disease? 1 2014 201408140044
2014Q3 Do you believe we are making enough progress in eye and vision research in the U.S.? 1 2014 201408140045
2014Q3 The federal government spends on average $2.10 per person each year on eye and vision research. Would you say that is... 1 2014 201408140046
2014Q3 In addition to the federal government, industry, patient groups and philanthropies pay for eye and vision research. Do you think all sectors should increase funding for this type of research? 1 2014 201408140047
2014Q3 How important is it that our nation supports research that focuses on improving prevention and treatment of eye and vision disorders? 1 2014 201408140048
2014Q3 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:' Good eye health is important to overall health.' 1 2014 201408140049
2024Q1 Please indicate which of the following statements comes closer to your view? Statement A: Artificial intelligence has tremendous potential to bring about technological advancements that will improve my quality of life. Statement B: Artificial intelligence presents significant risks to my quality of life. 1 2024 202402080077
2024Q1 Studies show that in addition to increased risk from health problems such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and infant mortality happen more often among certain minorities and/or citizens with lower incomes. How important do you feel it is to conduct research to combat health disparities? 1 2024 202402080092
2024Q1 How important is it to increase government funding for research on maternal mortality? 1 2024 202402080100