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Survey Year Question Frequency Recency OrigSort
2014Q3 Have you ever had your eyes examined by an eye care provider? 1 2014 201408140010
2014Q3 Did the examiner put in drops to dilate your eyes so he/she could look into them more easily? 1 2014 201408140011
2014Q3 What was the one MAIN reason you had your eyes examined the last time? 1 2014 201408140012
2014Q3 Is there a particular or one MAIN reason why you have never had your eyes examined by an eye care provider? 1 2014 201408140013
2014Q3 What would you do if any of the following people said you should have an eye exam. For each one, please tell if you would be... to have an eye exam - Family members 1 2014 201408140014
2014Q3 What would you do if any of the following people said you should have an eye exam. For each one, please tell if you would be... to have an eye exam - Your primary care provider 1 2014 201408140015
2014Q3 Many insurers such as Medicare and some private insurers help pay for medical care of eye diseases, but do not help pay for routine eye exams or glasses/contacts. Sometimes people have separate vision insurance to help pay for routine eye exams or glasses. Do you have insurance coverage for routine eye exams or glasses? 1 2014 201408140016
2014Q3 Select which statement best describes how your insurance situation impacts how often you have your eyes checked. 'Because of my insurance situation...' 1 2014 201408140017
2014Q3 During the past year have you seen or heard anything about eye health in... 1 2014 201408140018
2014Q3 To which of the following people have you spoken with about eye health or eye disease in the past 12 months? 1 2014 201408140019
2014Q3 Which of the following conditions do you think has the most impact on the percentage of Americans who will develop blindness from eye disorders in the U.S.? 1 2014 201408140020
2014Q3 Which of the following conditions do you think has the most impact on health care costs related to eye disorders in the US? 1 2014 201408140021
2014Q3 Thinking ahead to the year 2050, do you think there will be a higher percentage of people with blindness in the US, or a smaller percentage? 1 2014 201408140022
2014Q3 In your view, how will health care costs from eye disorders change by the year 2050? 1 2014 201408140023
2014Q3 One kind of medical research is often referred to as a clinical trial. In this, volunteers choose to participate to test the safety and effectiveness of certain treatments, drugs or devices. Have you ever heard of a clinical trial to test safety and effectiveness of treatments for eye and vision conditions? 1 2014 201408140024
2014Q3 How did you hear about clinical trials for eye and vision research? 1 2014 201408140025
2014Q3 If a health care provider found a clinical trial on eye and vision research and recommended you join, how likely would you be to participate in a clinical trial? 1 2014 201408140026
2014Q3 Which of the following would concern you as a consequence of losing your vision? 1 2014 201408140038
2014Q3 When you think about aging, do you worry about changes in or impairment to your vision? 1 2014 201408140039
2014Q3 Are you currently assisting a family member or friend with impaired vision, for example, taking them to the doctor, driving them on errands, helping around the house? 1 2014 201408140040
2014Q3 Do you agree or disagree that individuals have different risks of eye disease depending on their ethnic heritage. 1 2014 201408140041
2014Q3 Do you agree or disagree that smoking is associated with greater risk of eye disease? 1 2014 201408140042
2014Q3 Do you agree or disagree that obesity is associated with greater risk of eye disease? 1 2014 201408140043
2014Q3 Do you agree or disagree that exposure to excessive sunlight or ultraviolet radiation is associated with greater risk of eye disease? 1 2014 201408140044
2014Q3 Do you believe we are making enough progress in eye and vision research in the U.S.? 1 2014 201408140045
2014Q3 The federal government spends on average $2.10 per person each year on eye and vision research. Would you say that is... 1 2014 201408140046
2014Q3 In addition to the federal government, industry, patient groups and philanthropies pay for eye and vision research. Do you think all sectors should increase funding for this type of research? 1 2014 201408140047
2014Q3 How important is it that our nation supports research that focuses on improving prevention and treatment of eye and vision disorders? 1 2014 201408140048
2014Q3 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:' Good eye health is important to overall health.' 1 2014 201408140049