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Who We Are

Research!America is a non-profit medical and health research advocacy alliance.

Together, with our member organizations that represent a vast array of medical, health and scientific fields, our goals are:

Achieve funding for medical and health research from the public and private sectors at a level warranted by scientific opportunity and supported by public opinion.

Advocate for policies that support medical progress and innovation across the public and private sectors.

Better inform the public of the benefits of medical and health research and the institutions that perform research.

Promote and empower active engagement with the public and policymakers by individual members of the research community on behalf of medical and health research, public health, and science overall.

Learn more about the benefits of membership in the Research!America alliance.

What We Do

The Research!America alliance advocates for science, discovery, and innovation to achieve better health for all.

Advocacy: We advocate for a heightened federal commitment to the advancement of medical, health and scientific research. We encourage our member organizations, their employees, their individual members and other stakeholders to do the same.

Leadership: We provide leadership to help ensure strong, increased investment in the National Institutes of Health (NIH). We also advocate for the National Science Foundation (NSF), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), and  Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ).  We are also committed to making the case for a federal policy and regulatory climate that accelerates public and private sector-driven medical and public health progress. 

Outreach: We provide advocates across the nation with partnership opportunities as well as targeted messaging and other resources to build a unified voice for research and facilitate their own outreach to elected officials, news media, business leaders, colleagues and local communities.

Public Opinion Polls: We gauge Americans’ attitudes toward medical, health and scientific research.

Public Education: We produce reports, fact sheets, position pieces, and other materials to raise awareness about research issues, promote the importance of investment in research and foster effective collaboration among the nation’s government, industry, academic and philanthropic research sectors.
