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Global Health

Global health is an area for study, research, and practice that places a priority on improving health and achieving equity in health for all people worldwide. Greater investment in global health R&D spurs faster medical progress and enables breakthroughs for individual and public health; bolsters U.S. national security; and protects against future public health threats.

“Of all forms of inequality, injustice in health is the most shocking and inhumane.”

– Martin Luther King Jr., Civil Rights Activist & Nobel Prize Recipient

For more information about Research!America’s global health work, contact Savannah Sims, Senior Manager of Global Health R&D Advocacy.


The Emerging Threat of Dengue, Other Tropical Diseases

Three experts from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center



Infectious Disease Research in Focus: Perspectives from Dr. Jeanne Marrazzo, NIAID Director

Dr. Jeanne Marrazzo, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious


In the News

Neglected tropical diseases threaten to become the next pandemic. We must prepare for them now.

Though once seen as a disease that only afflicted people in developing


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Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Straight Talk

This year’s theme for the National Health Research Forum – Straight Talk – was spot on! NIH Director Monica Bertagnolli, MD, in her keynote address yesterday, gave us straight talk […]

More: Straight Talk

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Many Clocks are Ticking

The national elections are less than eight weeks away – now is the time to engage with your candidates on the national and global significance of U.S. R&D, fast-paced medical […]

More: Many Clocks are Ticking

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Emerging Threats

Recent news reports on the growing incidence of mosquito-borne tropical diseases, including wide coverage of Dr. Anthony Fauci’s bout with West Nile virus (WNV), a New Hampshire resident who died […]

More: Emerging Threats

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Oversight and Progress Too

An article in The Hill published Monday morning, hours before former NIAID Director Dr. Anthony Fauci’s testimony before the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, discussed the possibility that […]

More: Oversight and Progress Too

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Next Gen Researchers

How many degrees of separation are you from an early career researcher? Not many, I’ll bet, particularly if you think about the entire realm of research, public and private sector […]

More: Next Gen Researchers

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Leading the Conversation

“Science is a human enterprise. It matters who asks the questions. It matters who interprets the results. It matters who tells the stories.” This powerful statement opens a comment article […]

More: Leading the Conversation

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

America Needs Cures, Not Cuts

Women’s Health: The National Academy of Medicine’s (NAM) annual meeting this week featured women’s health topics, “From Cells to Society.” President Biden’s nominee for NIH Director, Monica Bertagnolli, MD (whose […]

More: America Needs Cures, Not Cuts

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

What Would Lincoln Do?

Differ We Must: I often quote Abraham Lincoln, “Public sentiment is everything. With public sentiment, nothing can fail; without it nothing can succeed.”  In his new book on Lincoln, “Differ […]

More: What Would Lincoln Do?

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Devil in the Details

Dear Research Advocate, First, some positive news: The 2023 Edelman Trust Barometer, an annual global survey released this week, finds scientists to be trusted by 76% of respondents — slightly […]

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Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

It’s A Wrap

Dear Research Advocate, Each U.S. consumer is projected to spend a whopping $883 dollars on average on gifts and holiday items this season. That’s more than four times the $215 […]

More: It’s A Wrap

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

A Time to Say Thank You

Dear Research Advocate, More than 8 in 10 Americans say they know someone or have themselves experienced at least one brain disorder or mental health condition, according to a national […]

More: A Time to Say Thank You

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Vote! And Keep Engaging

Election day is less than a week away (please be sure to vote!). To better understand what the election means for federally-funded R&D, register to join us for our Post-Election […]

More: Vote! And Keep Engaging

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

10 Minutes to Impact

Dear Research Advocate, Members of Congress are back in their home states for August recess, with most focused on the midterm elections. Their Congressional staff members, meanwhile, continue to work […]

More: 10 Minutes to Impact