Home » Federal Research Agencies

Federal Research Agencies

Federal funding is a critical input to our nation’s R&D pipeline. Funding from federal agencies such as the National Institutes of Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Food and Drug Administration, and others is essential in addressing longstanding and emerging health threats.

Federal Funding for Research

AAAS Federal R&D Budget Dashboard: This interactive dashboard allows users to examine basic federal spending data by agency and/or by character of work over multiple decades in total dollars, as a share of the budget, and as a share of the U.S. economy.

 Learn more about these federal research agencies’ work (links to official websites).

National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)

Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

National Science Foundation (NSF)

Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H)

Administration for Strategic Preparedness & Response (ASPR)

 For more on investment in research, see:

U.S. Investments in Medical and Health Research and Development 2016–2020 Report A robust array of data (recent and historical) on U.S. R&D investment, with a particular focus on funding for health-related research and development.

Resources and Reports on R&D Spending

Understanding the Federal Budget

Federal research funding is crucial to our nation’s health and economy. Research supported by agencies like the NIH not only seed critical medical advancements but also create jobs, promote innovation, foster early career researchers, and ensure the continued safety and well-being of Americans. Efforts to cut the overall federal budget, however, frequently target research. This happens despite strong public support, making Research!America’s advocacy – and yours – crucial. Learn about the federal budget process.

Stay informed about the federal budget so you, too, can help make health and medical research a priority.


Making the Case for Research on Zoom: Report from a Successful Virtual Hill Day

How are research advocates making their case on Capitol Hill during COVID-19? 


Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Building Back Better

The U.S. death toll from COVID-19 has surpassed 100,000 lives. If anything other


Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Public Sentiment

Researchers at Yale and George Mason University released a report this week reflecting


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Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Honoring Research Advocates

It was an honor and a pleasure to gather last evening for the 2025 Advocacy Awards at the National Academy of Sciences, the 29th year Research!America has celebrated advocates for research. We […]

More: Honoring Research Advocates

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Advocacy at the Forefront

It’s been an important week on Capitol Hill with confirmation hearings for NIH and FDA, President Trump’s address before Congress, and ongoing budget talks. A busy time on the Hill […]

More: Advocacy at the Forefront

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

The Time For Advocacy Is Now

Last week, the administration fired “probationary” employees across multiple health and science research agencies. There are varying reports on the exact number of firings and some rescissions of these terminations […]

More: The Time For Advocacy Is Now

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

America Speaks

We have released our 2025 national survey addressing Americans’ views on research and innovation. The message is clear: Americans across the political spectrum want faster medical progress, and they want […]

More: America Speaks

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

The First 100 Hours

As anticipated and all but guaranteed when a new president and Congress fully launch, there is much to report: We now know who will serve on the influential House and […]

More: The First 100 Hours

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Anticipating Changes

With a new administration, we are on the cusp of new leadership at the NIH. I talked with Politico recently about the short, but impactful tenure of NIH Director Monica Bertagnolli, commenting […]

More: Anticipating Changes

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter


Members of the 119th Congress were sworn in on Jan. 3, and President-elect Trump’s election was officially certified on Jan. 6. The Senate has turned its attention to presidential nominees. […]

More: Connections

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Clock is Ticking

Congressional appropriators unveiled a 1,500+ page Continuing Resolution (CR) bill on Tuesday night, aiming to fund the government through March 14. The bill faced immediate opposition from both internal and […]

More: Clock is Ticking

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Looking Forward

As we come to the end of 2024, it is a good time to look around the corner. How will the upcoming changes in Washington, D.C., affect research advocacy? Join […]

More: Looking Forward

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Energy Not Inertia

In this recent editorial in Science, Sudip Parikh, AAAS CEO and Research!America Board Chair, Marcia McNutt, President of the National Academy of Sciences, and Dario Gil of IBM and Chair […]

More: Energy Not Inertia

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter


Please join me on Public Health Thank You Day (PHTYD), Monday, Nov. 25, in expressing our appreciation to members of the public health workforce who work tirelessly to promote and […]

More: Gratitude

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter


The 2024 edition of our post-election briefing, held at the American Association for the Advancement of Science headquarters in Washington, D.C. featured an engaging panel deftly moderated by Laura Barrón-López, […]

More: Communicating

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter


As we knew they would be, the White House and Congress are in transition after an election cycle that was long, grueling, and rife with uncertainty. And as we knew […]

More: Transition

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Trick or Treat

Tonight is the culmination of the Halloween holiday, and many Americans will be celebrating. According to the National Retail Federation, Halloween spending this year is expected to reach $11.6 billion. […]

More: Trick or Treat

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Talk of the Town

I considered beginning the letter with a topic not related to the elections; let’s face it, though, there’s a reason Nov. 5 is the talk of the town: regardless of […]

More: Talk of the Town

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Remarkable Leaders

We have announced the distinguished honorees of the 2025 Advocacy Awards, a stellar group of remarkable leaders who – through their innovation, dedication, resilience, and creativity – have advanced our […]

More: Remarkable Leaders

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Staying Safe

Our theme today is drawn from our accustomed sign-off line, especially timely given the devastation wrought by hurricanes Helene and Milton. Among our thoughts as we express concern and solidarity […]

More: Staying Safe

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

In the Nick of Time

Just as FY25 is set to begin on Oct. 1, the House and Senate have passed a Continuing Resolution (CR) to fund the federal government at FY24 funding levels through […]

More: In the Nick of Time

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Straight Talk

This year’s theme for the National Health Research Forum – Straight Talk – was spot on! NIH Director Monica Bertagnolli, MD, in her keynote address yesterday, gave us straight talk […]

More: Straight Talk

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Many Clocks are Ticking

The national elections are less than eight weeks away – now is the time to engage with your candidates on the national and global significance of U.S. R&D, fast-paced medical […]

More: Many Clocks are Ticking

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Emerging Threats

Recent news reports on the growing incidence of mosquito-borne tropical diseases, including wide coverage of Dr. Anthony Fauci’s bout with West Nile virus (WNV), a New Hampshire resident who died […]

More: Emerging Threats

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Make Your Voice Heard

Even with Congress in recess, our advocacy efforts remain full steam ahead! If you haven’t yet signed our thank you letter for the bipartisan Senate Appropriations Committee effort to boost […]

More: Make Your Voice Heard

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Engage and Inform

A January 2024 survey commissioned by Research!America included an important finding – that 89% of Americans believe it’s important that scientists inform policymakers about their research and its impact on […]

More: Engage and Inform

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Taking the Leap

On a bipartisan basis, Senate appropriators approved “Labor-HHS” legislation that would grow the NIH by $1.77 billion in FY25. Appropriators had to contend with a drop in authorized “Cures” funding […]

More: Taking the Leap

Press Releases & Statements

Research!America Commends Senate Appropriations Committee for Bipartisan Labor-HHS Funding Bill That Reflects Strong Public Support for Lifesaving Research

Research!America applauds the Senate Appropriations Committee for passing bipartisan legislation today that provides robust funding for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and other public health agencies. The Senate Labor-HHS […]

More: Research!America Commends Senate Appropriations Committee for Bipartisan Labor-HHS Funding Bill That Reflects Strong Public Support for Lifesaving Research

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Bold Leadership

Dario Gil, Senior Vice President and Director of Research at IBM, Research!America Emeritus board member, and member of the Science and Technology Action Committee (STAC), was recently appointed Chair of […]

More: Bold Leadership

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

What Is Possible

It seems like the right time to remind ourselves of the power of common cause.  On May 19, 2015, two extraordinary champions for faster medical and public health progress – […]

More: What Is Possible

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Make Sure to Be Heard

Earlier this week, representatives from more than 180 Research!America alliance member organizations attended an off-the-record, alliance members-only discussion with key Majority staffers from the House Energy and Commerce Committee (E&C […]

More: Make Sure to Be Heard

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Time to Engage

The House Appropriations Labor-HHS Subcommittee has marked up the FY25 Labor, HHS, Education, and related agencies spending bill. (The full committee is scheduled to mark up the bill on July […]

More: Time to Engage

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Portrait of a Leader

On Tuesday, I attended the unveiling of former NIH Director Francis Collins’ portrait on the NIH campus. Serving as Director under three Presidents, Dr. Collins fostered bipartisan support for the […]

More: Portrait of a Leader

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Oversight and Progress Too

An article in The Hill published Monday morning, hours before former NIAID Director Dr. Anthony Fauci’s testimony before the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, discussed the possibility that […]

More: Oversight and Progress Too

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Next Gen Researchers

How many degrees of separation are you from an early career researcher? Not many, I’ll bet, particularly if you think about the entire realm of research, public and private sector […]

More: Next Gen Researchers

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Leading the Conversation

“Science is a human enterprise. It matters who asks the questions. It matters who interprets the results. It matters who tells the stories.” This powerful statement opens a comment article […]

More: Leading the Conversation

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Alarming News

Earlier today, House Appropriations Chair Tom Cole (R-OK) announced proposed funding cuts of roughly 6% in FY25 non-defense discretionary (NDD) spending, with some subcommittees, including the Labor-HHS Subcommittee, receiving 10-11% […]

More: Alarming News

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Nominate a Star Today

Michael J. Fox, Sen. Roy Blunt (R-MO), Helene Gayle, MD, MPH, and Katalin Karikó, PhD, have all led highly distinguished careers in their respective fields, but they have one additional […]

More: Nominate a Star Today

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Champions for Research

Leading champions for medical and health research, including many members of Congress, joined a celebration of NIH this week at the Library of Congress at an event organized by Jed […]

More: Champions for Research

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

A Warm Welcome

During our annual meeting today Research!America elected six new board members, all highly accomplished leaders who bring a wealth of expertise and leadership skills to the current board and the […]

More: A Warm Welcome


Alliance Discussion with Rashi Romanoff and Liz Stout, NAVREF: Innovative Research at VA is Impacting Veterans and Civilians Alike

Veterans Affairs (VA) research does not demand the spotlight, but richly deserves it: from conducting the first trials of effective treatments of tuberculosis to pioneering the treatment of hypertension, the […]

More: Alliance Discussion with Rashi Romanoff and Liz Stout, NAVREF: Innovative Research at VA is Impacting Veterans and Civilians Alike

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

March Madness

We are in the midst of March Madness, the time for the annual college basketball tournament to crown a national champion. The event is a fan-favorite, and it also attracts […]

More: March Madness

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

A Step Backward

The Biden Administration and congressional leaders reached an agreement on the last six funding bills for FY 2024 late Monday night and released those bills this morning. The NIH received […]

More: A Step Backward

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Celebration and Inspiration

Wednesday’s 2024 Advocacy Awards celebration at the National Academy of Sciences brought together the breadth of the research & development ecosystem – very much including patients – to honor truly […]

More: Celebration and Inspiration

In the News

Health Care Brief

The Health and Human Services Department will hold a budget press conference this afternoon, and the health secretary will testify Thursday before the Senate Finance Committee. The hearing offers an […]

More: Health Care Brief

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Setting Priorities

How you spend your money says a lot about your priorities. China demonstrated its priorities this week as it announced it will boost investment in science and technology (S&T) by […]

More: Setting Priorities

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Of Three Minds

Should we be appreciative, disappointed, determined? The answer is yes. You’ve heard this one before: two days before a partial government shutdown would ensue and nearly six months into Fiscal […]

More: Of Three Minds

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Science Without Walls

Last week at the AAAS annual meeting in Denver, AAAS President and Research!America Board Member Dr. Keith Yamamoto delivered a compelling opening plenary. In his address, he highlighted the meeting […]

More: Science Without Walls

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

The Heart of the Matter

Valentine’s Day 2024 is behind us – Americans spent an estimated $26 billion celebrating this holiday, enough to fund the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) for six years. […]

More: The Heart of the Matter

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

America Speaks

Dear Research Advocate, The American public is firmly supportive of federal investment in research, as seen in findings from our annual survey, released today. A majority of Americans from across […]

More: America Speaks

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

A Call to Action

Dear Research Advocate, Today marks the first day of Black History Month, a time to celebrate remarkable trailblazers such as Dr. Alexa Canady, the first African American woman to become […]

More: A Call to Action

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Meeting the Moment

Dear Research Advocate, Dr. Monica Bertagnolli assumed her position as the 17th Director of the NIH on Nov. 9th. In honor of her appointment, Research!America, the American Cancer Society Cancer […]

More: Meeting the Moment

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

The Budget Roller Coaster

Dear Research Advocate, This week, House and Senate leaders proposed a bipartisan tax deal that among its many provisions, includes important refinements to the treatment of research and development investment. […]

More: The Budget Roller Coaster


Alliance Member-Only Meeting with Emily Holubowich, National Senior Vice President of Federal Advocacy with the American Heart Association

Emily Holubowich, National Senior Vice President of Federal Advocacy with the American Heart Association and a national expert on federal health and fiscal policy, joined us for an alliance member-only […]

More: Alliance Member-Only Meeting with Emily Holubowich, National Senior Vice President of Federal Advocacy with the American Heart Association

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Eye-Popping Statistics

This year, Americans will spend nearly $12.2 billion celebrating Halloween, exceeding last year’s record by nearly $2 billion. Make no bones about it (get it?!), this is more than the […]

More: Eye-Popping Statistics


Alliance Discussion with Dr. Heidi Olsen and Dr. Bri Sheppard: Bridging the Gap—Understanding What Drives Rural Health Disparities

In our recent alliance discussion about rural health disparities, we hear from two experts in the field, Dr. Heidi Olsen and Dr. Bri Sheppard. "Research is critical to understanding not just what rural health disparities

More: Alliance Discussion with Dr. Heidi Olsen and Dr. Bri Sheppard: Bridging the Gap—Understanding What Drives Rural Health Disparities

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Setting Silence Aside

Having witnessed the setbacks and eventual triumphs of leaders in research and research advocacy for many years, I know that receiving thunderous applause is typically low-to-nowhere on the list of […]

More: Setting Silence Aside

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

America Needs Cures, Not Cuts

Women’s Health: The National Academy of Medicine’s (NAM) annual meeting this week featured women’s health topics, “From Cells to Society.” President Biden’s nominee for NIH Director, Monica Bertagnolli, MD (whose […]

More: America Needs Cures, Not Cuts

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

What Would Lincoln Do?

Differ We Must: I often quote Abraham Lincoln, “Public sentiment is everything. With public sentiment, nothing can fail; without it nothing can succeed.”  In his new book on Lincoln, “Differ […]

More: What Would Lincoln Do?

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

What’s At Stake

Do you have 45 minutes? Watch, or rewatch, the alliance discussion we held today with Mitch Prinstein, PhD, Chief Science Officer at the American Psychological Association. We asked Mitch to […]

More: What’s At Stake

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Advocacy Happened in August

Advocacy works! A priority for research advocates gained traction this week: Senator Elizabeth Warren agreed to support the nomination of Monica Bertagnolli, MD, President Biden’s nominee as Director of the […]

More: Advocacy Happened in August

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Silence and Shutdowns

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” I’m reminded of these words spoken by the incomparable Martin Luther King Jr. as we approach […]

More: Silence and Shutdowns

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

At Odds

For the first time in 20 years, locally-acquired cases of malaria (in contrast to cases acquired by travel to malaria-prone areas) have been recorded in the U.S. – one case […]

More: At Odds

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

“The Power of One”

“Embracing diversity, equity and inclusion in all we do” is a central tenet of Research!America’s work. The diversity of our nation is one of its greatest strengths. If we want […]

More: “The Power of One”

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Invest in the NIH

On the Hill: The political tectonic plates underpinning the appropriations process are moving in unpredictable ways. With House appropriations markups resuming this week, a segment of the House majority is […]

More: Invest in the NIH

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Fast and Furious

On the Hill: The President signed the Fiscal Responsibility Act last Saturday, raising the debt ceiling and re-starting the fiscal year 2024 (FY24) appropriations process. Congress has until September 30 […]

More: Fast and Furious

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

The $130 Billion Mistake

This week, U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen warned that unless Congress raises or suspends the debt ceiling, the country could be forced to default on its debts by June 1. […]

More: The $130 Billion Mistake

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Alarm Bells Are Ringing

No, ChatGPT-4 didn’t write this letter, but maybe that’s in our future! I don’t know about you, but every time I think I’ve got a handle on what artificial intelligence […]

More: Alarm Bells Are Ringing

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Big Ideas Bring Better Health

Join us in celebrating National Public Health Week, April 3–9. This year’s theme is “Centering and Celebrating Cultures in Health”; read the welcome letter from Georges Benjamin, MD, executive director […]

More: Big Ideas Bring Better Health

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Go Bold

Dear Research Advocate, From 2001–2021, nearly 630,000 people in the U.S. lost their lives to an opioid overdose. If the losses in 2022 and the first few months of 2023 […]

More: Go Bold

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter


Dear Research Advocate, Everyone who joined us for the 2023 Advocacy Awards was dazzled by our honorees, who participated in deftly moderated panel conversations about urgent priorities – overcoming resistance […]

More: Dazzled!

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter


Dear Research Advocate, I’ve thought long and hard about how to begin this letter. Our nation and the global community are still fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, the economy continues to […]

More: Optimism?

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Advocacy Works!

Dear Research Advocate, It’s a quiet week on Capitol Hill – an ideal time to use this editable email to thank your members of Congress for passing the omnibus spending […]

More: Advocacy Works!

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Let’s Talk

Dear Research Advocate, The film Don’t Look Up captured what might happen if scientists, journalists, and politicians all fail to communicate effectively with one another – or with the public […]

More: Let’s Talk

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

The Countdown is On

Our late board chair, esteemed congressman John Porter, cited his father’s polio as the genesis of his lifelong commitment to elevating the priority of research. Concerns regarding the widely reported re-emergence of polio in New

More: The Countdown is On

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Point to the Victories

On Tuesday, Research!America sent a letter to HHS Secretary Alex Azar asking him to clarify the decision to end NIH grant funding for an ongoing, EcoHealth Alliance research initiative focused on pandemic preparedness. We urge

More: Point to the Victories

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Now is the time

“Hopefully, the urgency that everyone is seeing around COVID-19 will translate into bigger investments for global health vaccines.” 

More: Now is the time