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Take Action

To ensure science agencies receive robust funding and federal policies are aligned behind securing faster medical and public health progress, your representatives in Congress need to hear from you.

Click on the links and “Take Action” buttons below and follow the steps to contact your elected officials and encourage them to fight for robust support of science, fast-paced medical progress, and advances in public health.

Your actions make a difference! In the last year, over 7,300 emails have been sent to members of Congress urging the importance of funding for research.  

If you haven’t already, make sure you’re subscribed to Mary Woolley’s Weekly Letter  for in-the-moment, up to date advocacy alerts.

Make the Case for Medical Progress

Your representatives in Congress will help determine whether federal funding for the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, and other key public health and research agencies grows, stagnates, or declines in Fiscal Year 2025. Funding growth to compensate for inflation, capitalize on unprecedented scientific opportunity, and accelerate life-saving medical progress is the smart, and right path forward for our nation. As a constituent, your perspective is particularly important: please use this this editable email to make the case for bolstered research funding!

Take Action
