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2024 Food and Nutrition Survey



Questions Also Appears in
In your opinion, which of the following are the most serious issues facing this country? (Choose top three) 2024Q1 , 2023 , 2022
Do you believe we are making enough progress in medical and health research in the U.S.? 2023Q4 , 2023 , 2022Q3 , 2020Q4 , 2019 , 2017Q2 , 2014Q2
How much confidence do you have in each of the following to act in your best interest: 2025 , 2024Q1 , 2023 , 2023Q4 , 2022VA , 2022 , 2021 , 2020Q3
What would you say is the single most important health issue facing the nation? 2025 , 2024Q1 , 2023Q4 , 2023 , 2022 , 2021 , 2020Q4 , 2019 , 2018 , 2017Q2 , 2016Q2
In general, would you say your health is…?
When was the last time you visited a health care provider? Health care provider is defined as a doctor, a nurse practitioner, or any other medical professional who has given you a physical examination or written prescriptions for you.
Overall, how healthy would you say your eating pattern/diet is?
How serious of a problem do you think obesity is to our nation?
Have you ever sought information about what you eat, from any sources?
The most recent time you looked for information about diet and nutrition, where did you go first? (Choose one)
To which of the following people have you spoken with about your diet/nutrition in the past 12 months? (Choose all that apply)
How much of an impact would you say food and beverages you consume have on your overall mental/emotional well-being?
Do you think that unhealthy eating is a problem in the United States?
Studies show that some health problems such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease happen more often among certain minorities or citizens with lower incomes. How important do you feel it is to conduct research to combat health disparities?
Some types of research aim to help people make behavioral changes that can help them overcome health threats such as obesity, hypertension and diabetes. Do you believe the U.S. government should help fund this research?
How much of an impact would you say your overall mental/emotional well-being have on the food and beverages you consume?
Have any of the following factors motivated you to try to adopt a new eating pattern or diet in the past? (Select all that apply)
Has your doctor or other health care professional ever talked to you about your eating patterns?
Would you like to eat a healthier diet?
What are biggest barriers to you eating a healthier diet? (Choose all that apply)
What would you say are the top five food issues facing the nation? (Choose five)
Have you heard of Ozempic, Wegovy, or other similar drugs?
Have you ever had a conversation with your doctor or other health care professional about Ozempic, Wegovy, or other similar drugs?
Please select from the following the top five words that best reflect your attitudes towards Ozempic, Wegovy, or other similar drugs
How often would you say each of the following happens in the U.S.: - Kids going to bed without having had a healthy meal that day
Have you or anyone close to you experienced persistent hunger in the past year?
Please indicate which of the following statements comes closer to your view? Statement A: Research about the health effects of what people eat and drink cannot really be trusted because so many studies appear to contradict each other. Statement B: New research is constantly improving our understanding about the health effects of what people eat and drink, so it makes sense that these findings appear to contradict prior studies.
When it comes to your health, do you feel genetically modified foods are better or worse than foods with no genetically modified (non-GMO) ingredients?
To what extent do you care about the issue of genetically modified foods?
Thinking about the last 12 months, how hard was it for you to regularly obtain and eat nutritious foods that support you and/or your family’s health and well-being?
Which, if any, of the following reasons were true for you or your household: - I don’t know how to cook healthy foods
Which, if any, of the following reasons were true for you or your household: - Some of the foods from my culture are hard to make healthy
Do you believe we are making enough progress in making nutritious food accessible and affordable in the U.S.?
How often do you pay attention to nutritional information that is printed on the labels of food and beverage packages, including calories, and sugar, fat, and vitamin content when shopping?
Which best describes your understanding of nutritional labels on food and beverage packages?
How much confidence do you have in the federal government to ensure the safety of the food supply in the U.S.?
Medically Tailored Meals (MTMs) are home-delivered, nutritious meals prescribed by a doctor and customized for patients with severe chronic conditions and limitations in activities of daily living. Have you heard about MTMs before?
To what extent do you support the following:
To what extent do the following contribute to rising food prices?
How much, if at all, do you think climate change will impact:
Which, if any, of the following reasons were true for you or your household:
How likely would you say it is it that genetically modified foods will result in the following:
How often do you choose to buy food products that are -- rather than buying a competing product without that label?
How often would you say each of the following happens in the U.S.:
How persuasive would you find each of the following reasons for increasing support for behavioral research?
To what extent do you trust the following sources of information on diet and nutrition?
To what extent do you feel the following factors impact a person’s weight:
How important would you say the following are when it comes to improving a person’s chance of a long and healthy life?