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2017 January National Survey



This nationwide online survey was conducted by Zogby Analytics on behalf of Research!America in January 2017, among 1,005 adults ages 18+. This survey has a theoretical sampling error of +/- 3.1 percentage points.*

Questions Also Appears in
Do you believe the United States has the best health care system in the world? 2023 , 2022 , 2021 , 2018 , 2016 , 2015
Can you name a living scientist? 2025 , 2024Q1 , 2023 , 2022VA , 2022 , 2021 , 2020Q3 , 2018 , 2016
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Even if it brings no immediate benefits, basic scientific research that advances the frontiers of knowledge is necessary and should be supported by the federal government. 2025 , 2024Q1 , 2023 , 2022VA , 2022 , 2021 , 2020Q3 , 2016Q2 , 2015
Can you name any institution, company, or organization where medical or health research is conducted? 2025 , 2024Q1 , 2023Q4 , 2023 , 2022 , 2021 , 2018 , 2016
Have you or anyone in your family ever participated in clinical trials? 2025 , 2023Q4 , 2021 , 2017Q2 , 2016 , 2014Q2
Do you agree or disagree that the federal government should assign a higher priority to improving K-12 education focused on science, technology, engineering and mathematics and careers in those fields? 2025 , 2023 , 2022VA , 2022 , 2021 , 2020Q3 , 2016 , 2014
To the best of your knowledge, would you say that medical or health research in the U.S. is conducted in all 50 states? 2025 , 2024Q1 , 2023 , 2022 , 2021 , 2018 , 2016 , 2015
Do you believe the health care services you personally receive are based on the best and most recent research available? GA2023 , 2024Q1 , 2023 , 2022VA , 2018 , 2017Q2 , 2016Q2 , 2016 , 2014Q2
How much confidence do you have in each of the following institutions: 2023 , 2021
Do you agree or disagree that scientists SHOULD play a major role in shaping policy for each of the following: 2018 , 2024Q1 , 2023
Do you agree or disagree that public policies should be based on the best available science? 2018
The U.S. spends about 5 cents of each health dollar on research to prevent, cure and treat disease and disability. Do you think that this is too much, the right amount or not enough? 2018 , 2016
Do you support or oppose increased funding for research to better understand and combat opioid addiction? 2024Q1 , 2018
Is prescription pain medication abuse and addiction a major problem in your community? 2018
Do you know anyone who experienced pain so severe that they sought prescription medicines to treat it? 2018
Which of the following domestic programs would you be willing to cut government spending on in order to reduce the federal deficit? (Choose all that apply)
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) is the federal agency charged with funding health care delivery research, which seeks to rapidly translate discoveries from research into medical practice and improve the quality, safety and effectiveness of health care. Which of the following statements most accurately reflects your view?
Fewer than 10% of Americans participate in clinical trials. Which of the following do you think is a reason that individuals don't participate in clinical trials? (Choose all that apply)
For which of the following would you be willing to share your personal health information? (Choose all that apply) 2016 , 2015
Studies show that certain health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, and infant mortality happen more often among minorities or citizens with lower incomes. How important do you feel it is to conduct medical or health research to understand and eliminate these differences? 2016 , 2015
The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) is a nonprofit organization that receives federal support to fund research that helps patients and clinicians make more informed decisions about treatment options. Which of the following statements most accurately reflects your view?
Do you strongly (favor/oppose) or somewhat (favor/oppose) medical research using embryonic stem cells?
Do you strongly (favor/oppose) or somewhat (favor/oppose) federal funding for medical research using embryonic stem cells?
Scientists can extract embryonic stem cells from fertilized eggs that are voluntarily donated by fertility clinic patients. These fertilized eggs would otherwise be discarded. Knowing this, do you favor or oppose embryonic stem cell research?
Do you or anyone you care about suffer from a disease or condition that you hope will become treatable or curable as a result of embryonic stem cell research?
Based on what you know of gene therapy, that is, the altering of human genes to treat disease, do you think that research into gene therapy should be continued or should it be stopped? 2016
Please indicate which of the following should be a priority for President Trump's and the new Congress' first 100 days in office, using a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 is very much a priority and 5 is not at all a priority:
How important would each of the following factors be in your decision to participate in a clinical trial: 2023Q4 , 2017Q2 , 2014Q2
How trustworthy do you consider each of the following to be as spokespersons for science: 2014
A type of research called health care delivery research seeks to improve the translation of discoveries from research into medical practice. How important do you think it is for the United States to invest in health care delivery research? 2024Q1 , 2016Q2