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2017 Clinical Trial Survey



This nationwide online survey was conducted by Zogby Analytics on behalf of Research!America in July 2017, among 1,000 adults. This survey has a theoretical sampling error of +/- 3.1 percentage points.

Questions Also Appears in
In thinking about threats to your health, how important is it that elected officials at all levels listen to advice from scientists? 2023Q4 , 2022 , 2021 , 2020Q3 , 2016 , 2015
Have you or anyone in your family ever participated in clinical trials? 2025 , 2023Q4 , 2021 , 2017 , 2016 , 2014Q2
If your doctor found a clinical trial for you and recommended you join, how likely would you be to participate in a clinical trial? 2023Q4 , 2021 , 2014Q2
Do you believe we are making enough progress in medical and health research in the U.S.? 2024 , 2023Q4 , 2023 , 2022Q3 , 2020Q4 , 2019 , 2014Q2
Do you believe the health care services you personally receive are based on the best and most recent research available? GA2023 , 2024Q1 , 2023 , 2022VA , 2018 , 2017 , 2016Q2 , 2016 , 2014Q2
For the following, please indicate your willingness to share your personal health information, assuming that appropriate privacy protections are in place: 2023Q4 , 2021 , 2018 , 2014Q2
How important would each of the following factors be in your decision to participate in a clinical trial: 2023Q4 , 2017 , 2014Q2
What would you say is the single most important health issue facing the nation? 2025 , 2024Q1 , 2024 , 2023Q4 , 2023 , 2022 , 2021 , 2020Q4 , 2019 , 2018 , 2016Q2
How important is it for scientists to inform elected officials and the public about their research and its impact on society? 2023Q4
Clinical trials are one type of health research in which a new potential treatment or medicine is being tested. Have you ever heard of a clinical trial? 2023Q4 , 2021 , 2014Q2
How did you hear about clinical trials? (Check all that apply) 2023Q4 , 2014Q2
Fewer than 10% of Americans participate in clinical trials. Which of the following do you think is a reason that individuals don't participate in clinical trials? (Check all that apply) 2023Q4
Do you agree or disagree that clinical trials are important to advancing science? 2023Q4
Do you agree or disagree that clinical trials are important to improving our nation's health? 2023Q4
When patients participate in a clinical trial, do you think it is because. . .? (Check all that apply) 2023Q4
Do you agree or disagree that healthcare professionals should discuss clinical trials with patients diagnosed with a disease as part of their standard of care? 2023Q4 , 2018
Have you heard of clinicaltrials.gov, a registry and results database of publicly and privately supported clinical studies? 2023Q4
Clinical research organizations (CROs) are specialized companies that run clinical trials. Have you ever heard of a CRO? 2023Q4 , 2014Q2
Which organizations listed below would you say have the greatest responsibility in educating the public about clinical trials? (Choose only ONE) 2023Q4
How confident are you in our current system in the U.S. for reviewing the effectiveness and safety of new medicines and medical technologies before making them available to the public? 2023Q4 , 2014Q2
In the last five years, have you been diagnosed and/or treated for a serious illness? (This information cannot be linked to you in any way.) 2023Q4 , 2014Q2
Please tell me if you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, or strongly disagree with each of the following statements. 2023Q4 , 2014Q2
Please rate how much you admire each of the following groups of people on a scale of 1 to 4, where 1 means you do not admire them at all, and where 4 means you admire them a great deal. 2023Q4 , 2020Q4 , 2014Q2
How important do you think it is that the U.S. is a global leader in medical, health and scientific research?
Has your doctor or other healthcare professional ever talked to you about medical research? 2014Q2
Where would you go to get information about clinical trials? (Check all that apply) 2014Q2
Which of the following do you think is a reliable source for clinical trial information? (Check all that apply)
Who do you think pays for clinical trials in this country? (Check all that apply)
Do you agree or disagree that healthy individuals participate in clinical trials?
When healthy individuals participate in a clinical trial, do you think it is because. . .? (Check all that apply)
How likely would you be to participate in a clinical trial if referred by the following? (Check all that apply)
How likely are you to use technology such as apps, phones and monitoring devices to share your personal health data for clinical research?
If you participated in a clinical trial, would you prefer to have clinical trial information/data/results delivered through your phone?
Would you say that without being told, patients are sometimes included in clinical trials when they are receiving medical treatment? 2014Q2
How often would you say that participants in clinical trials are treated fairly and with respect?
Please indicate which of the following statements comes closer to your view - A or B? Statement A: Some people say the FDA should move more quickly in order to get new treatments to patients, even if it means there may be risks. Statement B: Other people say FDA should act more slowly in order to reduce risk, even if it means patients may wait for treatments. 2023Q4 , 2016 , 2015
How concerned are you that most medications approved by FDA for use in America are tested in patients in other countries as well as in the U.S.?
Should the federal government provide tax incentives to companies to encourage them to conduct clinical trials in the U.S. rather than in other countries? 2014Q2
Do you agree or disagree that clinical trial participation should be a routine health behavior, whether you are healthy or ill, similar to getting an annual checkup with your health care provider?