Home » Questions » Which of the following should be priorities for the federal government? (Choose all that apply)

Which of the following should be priorities for the federal government? (Choose all that apply)

Viewing: 2018
Other (Specify) 2.4%
Reducing health care costs 59.3%
Addressing health effects of climate change 26.2%
Addressing opioid epidemic 43.0%
Combatting disease 35.3%
Funding scientific research 33.6%
Incentivizing private sector research 19.8%
Increasing access to health care 47.4%
Reforming healthcare entitlements (Medicare and Medicaid) 26.5%
Not sure 11.7%
["Other (Specify)","Reducing health care costs","Addressing health effects of climate change","Addressing opioid epidemic","Combatting disease","Funding scientific research","Incentivizing private sector research","Increasing access to health care","Reforming healthcare entitlements (Medicare and Medicaid)","Not sure"] [{"label":"2018","data":["2.4","59.3","26.2","43.0","35.3","33.6","19.8","47.4","26.5","11.7"]}]