Home » Questions » When was the last time you visited a health care provider? Health care provider is defined as a doctor, a nurse practitioner, or any other medical professional who has given you a physical examination or written prescriptions for you.

When was the last time you visited a health care provider? Health care provider is defined as a doctor, a nurse practitioner, or any other medical professional who has given you a physical examination or written prescriptions for you.

Viewing: 2024
Within the past month 42.7%
Within the past year 43.1%
Within the past 2 years 5.7%
2 or more years ago 6.5%
Not sure 2.0%
["Within the past month","Within the past year","Within the past 2 years","2 or more years ago","Not sure"] [{"label":"2024","data":["42.7","43.1","5.7","6.5","2.0"]}]