Home » Questions » The most recent time you looked for information about diet and nutrition, where did you go first? (Choose one)

The most recent time you looked for information about diet and nutrition, where did you go first? (Choose one)

Viewing: 2024
Other (Specify) 0.7%
Family/Friend/Co-worker 6.3%
Nonprofit group such as patient group, charity, etc. 0.6%
Social media 1.2%
Newspaper or magazines 0.6%
Books 1.1%
Business, company, or industry 0.0%
Podcasts 0.1%
Government 0.1%
Internet search 26.0%
Healthcare provider (doctor, nurse, dietitian, etc.) 20.6%
YouTube 3.6%
["Other (Specify)","Family\/Friend\/Co-worker","Nonprofit group such as patient group, charity, etc.","Social media","Newspaper or magazines","Books","Business, company, or industry","Podcasts","Government","Internet search","Healthcare provider (doctor, nurse, dietitian, etc.)","YouTube"] [{"label":"2024","data":["0.7","6.3","0.6","1.2","0.6","1.1","0.0","0.1","0.1","26.0","20.6","3.6"]}]