Home » Questions » Please indicate which of the following should be the top FIVE priorities for the President and Congress to address this year. (Choose 5)

Please indicate which of the following should be the top FIVE priorities for the President and Congress to address this year. (Choose 5)

Viewing: 2023
Other (Specify) 6.2%
Expanding access to health coverage 36.1%
Unifying the country 43.0%
Addressing climate change 37.6%
Growing jobs 41.5%
Preparing for the next pandemic 21.0%
Addressing racial injustice 28.7%
Investing in medical research 19.9%
Making higher education more affordable 31.4%
Reducing health care costs 55.4%
Improving K-12 education 27.2%
Reforming the immigration system 43.1%
Strengthening national defense 36.5%
Assuring U.S. global economic competitiveness 34.7%
Updating roads, bridges, and other infrastructure 37.7%
["Other (Specify)","Expanding access to health coverage","Unifying the country","Addressing climate change","Growing jobs","Preparing for the next pandemic","Addressing racial injustice","Investing in medical research","Making higher education more affordable","Reducing health care costs","Improving K-12 education","Reforming the immigration system","Strengthening national defense","Assuring U.S. global economic competitiveness","Updating roads, bridges, and other infrastructure"] [{"label":"2023","data":["6.2","36.1","43.0","37.6","41.5","21.0","28.7","19.9","31.4","55.4","27.2","43.1","36.5","34.7","37.7"]}]