Home » Questions » In general, do you think investments in science and technology are creating employment opportunities for all, most, some, or very few people in this country?

In general, do you think investments in science and technology are creating employment opportunities for all, most, some, or very few people in this country?

2024Q1 2022
All 12.1% 15.0%
Most 20.9% 29.8%
Some 45.3% 37.8%
Very few 14.8% 13.2%
None 0.9% 0.0%
Very few 14.8% 0.0%
Not sure 6.1% 4.3%
["All","Most","Some","Very few","None","Very few","Not sure"] [{"label":"2024Q1","data":["12.1","20.9","45.3","14.8","0.9","14.8","6.1"]},{"label":"2022","data":["15.0","29.8","37.8","13.2","0.0","0.0","4.3"]}]