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Research Ecosystem

Research and development (R&D), both public and private sector driven, is a force that empowers Americans and populations across the globe to lead longer, healthier lives. The Research!America alliance advocates for the funding and policy environment needed to drive fast-paced medical and public health progress. Use the advocacy tools below to make the case for a greater federal commitment to life-saving R&D. 

Reasons for Research

Research Takes Cents

Private Sector R&D

Global Competitiveness

Global Health R&D

Press Releases & Statements

Survey Shows Strong Bipartisan Support for Investing in Research

Support for federal investment in research is a priority Americans across the political



Major Changes Needed in Public Health

Americans largely think the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed major changes needed to



SURVEY: Most Americans Cannot Name a Living Scientist or a Research Institution

According to a January 2021 survey commissioned by Research!America, most Americans (72%)


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Where are they now? Leanna Kalinowski talks about how the Research!America science communications internship inspired her to pursue an MPH

Research!America relies on interns and fellows, whose skills drive our mission forward. In this blog series, we are catching up with previous interns and fellows to see how Research!America impacted […]

More: Where are they now? Leanna Kalinowski talks about how the Research!America science communications internship inspired her to pursue an MPH