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America Speaks: Poll Data Summary

Each year, Research!America publishes America Speaks, a summary of our most recent poll data. Use America Speaks as a resource when contacting your elected officials, writing letters to the editor, op-eds or articles, giving speeches, and advocating for research to improve health.

America Speaks: Poll Data Summary, Volume 24


Recommended Strategies to Integrate Public Engagement and Civic Science Training Into Graduate STEMM Education

Research!America convened the Public Engagement Working Group to advise Research!America on strategic action steps needed to integrate public engagement and civic science training into graduate science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine (STEMM) education. Led by co-chairs Alan Leshner, CEO Emeritus of AAAS, and Keith Yamamoto, Professor Emeritus and Vice Chancellor for Science Policy and Strategy at UCSF, the group engaged 26 members from academia and philanthropy. The group met between December 2023 and May 2024 for presentations and discussions to assist Research!America in developing recommendations for academic institutions, federal funders, and foundations.

Those concrete steps, described in the strategic document, will help ensure that all STEMM trainees have access to public engagement training. Research!America thanks the Rita Allen Foundation for its generous support and the working group for their valuable insights and input.

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U.S. Health and the Future of Food

Research!America partnered with the American Heart Association and Deloitte to produce a report with an accompanying national public opinion survey to examine how food and
nutrition are inextricably linked to health care outcomes.  The report also details the urgent challenges to creating a food system that effectively integrates nutritious food into health care for the prevention, treatment and care of cardiovascular disease and other chronic conditions.

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Visualizing the Landscape of Training Initiatives for Scientists in Public Engagement in the United States

In partnership with the Albert and Mary Lasker Foundation, Research!America conducted an in-depth mapping of the public engagement training landscape in the United States. This inaugural report offers a detailed overview of the diversity and scope of training initiatives enhancing public engagement for scientists. Notably, the report includes an interactive dashboard that provides a dynamic window into the rapidly developing field of training in public engagement. Together, the report and dashboard are designed to inspire new discussions, connections, and collaborations that further strengthen the ecosystem of public engagement training for scientists.

Watch the launch of the report and dashboard

The Research!America Microgrant Program: Exploring its Impact on Early Career Scientists

Connecting scientists to citizens and citizens to scientists to foster understanding and further shared goals has been central to Research!America’s mission since it was founded in 1989 and it continues to be a vital focus for the organization today. A core component of our civic science work is the Civic Engagement Microgrant Program, supported by the Rita Allen Foundation. Since 2018, our Microgrant program has worked directly with groups of STEM graduate students and postdoctoral researchers (post-docs) from across the country to provide small grants to support civic engagement projects. At this juncture, having supported 65 microgrants over the past four years, it is beneficial to take a deep dive into the initiative.

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U.S. Investments in Medical and Health Research and Development

A report from Research!America shows total U.S. investment in medical and health R&D grew by 11.1% from 2019 to 2020, reaching $245.1 billion, led by the private sector and the federal government. Even with the one-time infusion of federal funding in 2020 to address COVID-19, our nation spent less than 6 cents of every health care dollar on R&D. The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the importance of public and private sectors working individually and in partnership to rapidly translate decades of scientific discovery into safe and effective vaccines and treatments.

Then. Now. Imagine. – An A-to-Z Look at Diseases, Conditions, and Disorders that Impact Our Lives

Then. Now. Imagine. – An A-to-Z look at diseases, conditions, and disorders that impact our lives, a collaboration between Research!America and the Lasker Foundation, provides an overview of 60 diseases and conditions impacting people around the globe, emphasizing the ways in which medical science has improved outcomes today and holds potential for further progress in the decades ahead.

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