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Public Health

Preventive health care and public health initiatives help Americans live healthier, longer, and more productive lives. In line with broad public support, Research!America advocates for the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and other governmental agencies that protect against threats to public health. Despite pressing threats such as infectious diseases, the opioid crisis, and rising rates of suicide, CDC funding is significantly lagging public health need. Research!America is working to increase funding for the CDC and in other ways strengthen our nation’s public health capacity and impact.

Public Health Thank You Day

Public Health Thank You Day 2024 is on Monday, November 18. Check back for our updated toolkit to help express gratitude for the public health workforce and say, “Thank You!”


National Public Health Week Blog: Community-based Participatory Action Research

The American Public Health Association has designated two themes to highlight this



National Public Health Week: Public Health Research in Action

The American Public Health Association every April recognizes the tireless work of



National Public Health Week Highlight Series: Adelaide Appiah, Program Director

Adelaide Appiah, MPH, discusses CHC’s efforts to reduce the burden of Black


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Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Setting Priorities

How you spend your money says a lot about your priorities. China demonstrated its priorities this week as it announced it will boost investment in science and technology (S&T) by […]

More: Setting Priorities

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Of Three Minds

Should we be appreciative, disappointed, determined? The answer is yes. You’ve heard this one before: two days before a partial government shutdown would ensue and nearly six months into Fiscal […]

More: Of Three Minds

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Science Without Walls

Last week at the AAAS annual meeting in Denver, AAAS President and Research!America Board Member Dr. Keith Yamamoto delivered a compelling opening plenary. In his address, he highlighted the meeting […]

More: Science Without Walls

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

The Heart of the Matter

Valentine’s Day 2024 is behind us – Americans spent an estimated $26 billion celebrating this holiday, enough to fund the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) for six years. […]

More: The Heart of the Matter

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

America Speaks

Dear Research Advocate, The American public is firmly supportive of federal investment in research, as seen in findings from our annual survey, released today. A majority of Americans from across […]

More: America Speaks

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

A Call to Action

Dear Research Advocate, Today marks the first day of Black History Month, a time to celebrate remarkable trailblazers such as Dr. Alexa Canady, the first African American woman to become […]

More: A Call to Action

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Meeting the Moment

Dear Research Advocate, Dr. Monica Bertagnolli assumed her position as the 17th Director of the NIH on Nov. 9th. In honor of her appointment, Research!America, the American Cancer Society Cancer […]

More: Meeting the Moment

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

The Budget Roller Coaster

Dear Research Advocate, This week, House and Senate leaders proposed a bipartisan tax deal that among its many provisions, includes important refinements to the treatment of research and development investment. […]

More: The Budget Roller Coaster

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Making Changes not Excuses

There is no excuse for the alarming rates of maternal mortality in this nation – the U.S. has the highest maternal mortality rate among peer nations, with staggering racial, ethnic, […]

More: Making Changes not Excuses

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Elect To Advocate

This afternoon, we hosted our Annual Meeting of Members, combining business and mission with opportunities for working together in 2023. (See slides from the meeting, which include our four newly […]

More: Elect To Advocate

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Alarm Bells Are Ringing

No, ChatGPT-4 didn’t write this letter, but maybe that’s in our future! I don’t know about you, but every time I think I’ve got a handle on what artificial intelligence […]

More: Alarm Bells Are Ringing

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Big Ideas Bring Better Health

Join us in celebrating National Public Health Week, April 3–9. This year’s theme is “Centering and Celebrating Cultures in Health”; read the welcome letter from Georges Benjamin, MD, executive director […]

More: Big Ideas Bring Better Health

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Spotlight on Equity

Dear Research Advocate, The National Academies has released a detailed consensus report, “Advancing Antiracism, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in STEMM Organizations: Beyond Broadening Participation.” The report calls on higher education […]

More: Spotlight on Equity

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

It’s Never Over

Dear Research Advocate, In concluding his 38-year tenure as Director of the NIAID, having served under seven presidents, Anthony Fauci, MD, offers his perspectives in the New England Journal of […]

More: It’s Never Over

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

A Time to Say Thank You

Dear Research Advocate, More than 8 in 10 Americans say they know someone or have themselves experienced at least one brain disorder or mental health condition, according to a national […]

More: A Time to Say Thank You

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

The Clock is Ticking

Regardless of the final outcome of party control in the House and Senate for the 118th Congress, the current Congress must still pass a final FY23 spending package. The clock is ticking.

More: The Clock is Ticking

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Vote! And Keep Engaging

Election day is less than a week away (please be sure to vote!). To better understand what the election means for federally-funded R&D, register to join us for our Post-Election […]

More: Vote! And Keep Engaging

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

What Does $10.6 Billion Buy?

Halloween spending is projected to hit a record high of $10.6 billion this year, exceeding pre-pandemic levels. It’s great to see people so eager to celebrate! It’s also an opportunity to put research spending into

More: What Does $10.6 Billion Buy?

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

The Countdown is On

Our late board chair, esteemed congressman John Porter, cited his father’s polio as the genesis of his lifelong commitment to elevating the priority of research. Concerns regarding the widely reported re-emergence of polio in New

More: The Countdown is On

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Point to the Victories

On Tuesday, Research!America sent a letter to HHS Secretary Alex Azar asking him to clarify the decision to end NIH grant funding for an ongoing, EcoHealth Alliance research initiative focused on pandemic preparedness. We urge

More: Point to the Victories

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Now is the time

“Hopefully, the urgency that everyone is seeing around COVID-19 will translate into bigger investments for global health vaccines.” 

More: Now is the time

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

With gratitude for all

Happy Thanksgiving Week!  Every Monday before Thanksgiving Research!America hosts Public Health Thank You Day (PHYTD), thanking the individuals across the nation who serve the public health. 

More: With gratitude for all

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Power to the Public

Recently, I joined hundreds of attendees at the Aspen Institute’s annual Spotlight Health program. One recurring theme was the power of data to drive medical progress. David Blumenthal, president of the Commonwealth Fund, called digitized data

More: Power to the Public

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Speak up and be Heard

House Republican Leadership released an ACA replacement bill this week (section summaries available from the Energy & Commerce and Ways & Means committees). 

More: Speak up and be Heard