Statement of Research!America CEO and President Mary Woolley on Cures 2.0 Discussion Draft

Research!America applauds Reps. Diana DeGette (D-CO) and Fred Upton (R-MI) for their unremitting commitment to accelerate medical and public health progress, as most recently evidenced by the array of forward-thinking proposals included in their Cures 2.0 Act discussion draft.
Cures 2.0 builds on the success of DeGette and Upton’s 21st Century Cures Act, signed into law in 2016. Since its passage, the landmark legislation has helped advance medical progress to find solutions to some of the nation’s most pressing health threats.
Like the original Cures Act, Cures 2.0 reflects a determination to address challenges and advance bold ideas which might otherwise become missed opportunities. We are pleased to see DeGette and Upton highlighting the importance of many pressing issues: achieving clinical trials that reflect the diversity of the patient population; leveraging real-world data to create closer alignment between medical progress and patient need; soliciting patient and research ecosystem input on how best to achieve the Biden Administration’s vision for ARPA-H; and advancing solutions for individuals confronting “long COVID.”
DeGette and Upton are once again laying the groundwork for life-saving progress through the development and delivery of next generation cures. Research!America will continue to support their noble efforts.