Statement by Research!America President and CEO Mary Woolley on H.R. 3055

The passage of H.R. 3055 offers much-needed support and resources for the science and innovation our country needs, including increases of more $180 million for the Food and Drug Administration and more than $540 million for the National Science Foundation respectively.
These two agencies operate in the best interest of all, bringing out the best in America. The FDA protects and promotes public health in myriad ways including ensuring the safety of drugs, biological products, medical devices, and our nation’s food supply. The NSF fuels scientific advances that are pivotal to the security, prosperity, and wellbeing of the American people. We urge congressional leaders and the President to forge a bipartisan budget deal lifting the outdated budget caps so that strategic investments like those included in H.R. 3055 for NSF and FDA can move forward.