Statement by Research!America President and CEO Mary Woolley on Executive Order on the Bipartisan COVID-19 Response

Research!America is grateful for the bipartisan leadership and determination that produced the urgently needed Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act.
We applaud the inclusion of supplemental funding for NIH, CDC, FDA, BARDA, and other critical research and public health agencies. Our nation cannot waste a single minute which could be spent pursuing safe and effective vaccines, diagnostics, and treatments that, together with public health research and diligence, will defeat this virus. We are especially appreciative of the leadership of both parties for working together to see this through.
Going forward, it will be critical to address disruptions in other lifesaving research that is slowing progress against a host of acute and chronic diseases, and to bolster the R&D infrastructure as it strains to meet the urgent needs COVID-19 is creating. Research institutions across our nation need federal flexibility and emergency resources to weather this crisis.
We applaud Congress and the Administration for coming together at this critical time in service to our nation. We urge all parties to continue to work together until COVID-19 is halted.