Research!America & Lasker Foundation Report Demonstrates Value of Investment in Research

There have been more than 700,000 deaths from COVID-19 in the U.S. and more than 8.4 million deaths worldwide. These numbers, though staggering, would have been much larger but for the tremendous research efforts that have enhanced our understanding of the virus and delivered treatments and vaccines. COVID-19 is just one example of the power of science to protect and restore health. A new report, a collaboration between Research!America and the Lasker Foundation, offers a compelling picture of the significance of science to the health of us all.
The report, “Then. Now. Imagine: An A-to-Z look at the diseases, conditions, and disorders that impact our lives,” provides an overview of 60 diseases and conditions impacting people around the globe, emphasizing the ways in which medical science has improved outcomes today and holds potential for further progress in the decades ahead.
“The value of science is nowhere more visible than in the health arena. Public and private sector driven scientific discovery has yielded prevention, early detection, treatment, and even curative measures for a myriad of health threats such as cancer, sickle cell anemia, cystic fibrosis, and multiple sclerosis, but daunting challenges remain,” said Mary Woolley, president and CEO of Research!America. “We are grateful for our partnership with the Lasker Foundation to create ‘Then. Now. Imagine.’ The report highlights how investment in medical research conveys profound societal benefits and merits even greater levels of support.”
All the facts and figures in the report are drawn from Research!America’s “Investment in Research Saves Lives and Money” fact sheet series, which provides detail and statistics for each disease or condition.
“Our long-standing partnership with Research!America is key to our work to advance medical science,” said Claire Pomeroy, MD, MBA, president of the Lasker Foundation. “This report will be a powerful tool in the hands of biomedical research advocates, policy makers, scientists and patients. The facts speak for themselves: research into disease yields better quality of life for millions and is a critical societal investment which generates impactful returns for our nation and the world.”
Contact Tim Haynes, Senior Director of Communications, at 571-482-2737 or [email protected] with press inquiries.