Research!America CEO Reacts to Presidential Budget Request for FY25, Calls for Bolder Investments in Research

Research!America has issued the following statement in response to the release of President Biden FY25 budget today:
“Research!America appreciates that the President has proposed increased funding for the NIH in his Fiscal Year 2025 (FY25) budget request,” said Research!America President and CEO Mary Woolley. “While the budget envisions important mandatory investments in the cancer moonshot and biodefense, the agency’s base budget – funding research on hundreds of threats ranging from Alzheimer’s to ALS to maternal mortality – would grow by just 1.8%: one of the lowest growth rates in a decade. Slower investment is something that individuals confronting these threats, and our nation, simply cannot afford. Whether the objective is to save lives, grow jobs, or bolster our global economic leadership, we must step up, not slow down, the pace.”
National Institutes of Health (NIH): The proposal seeks an $872 million, or 1.8%, increase for NIH over FY23 funding (FY24 funding for NIH has not yet been released.) The budget proposal would provide level funding of $1.5 billion for the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H) in FY25. In its first two years of operation, ARPA-H has launched a series of exciting high risk, high-reward initiatives and we appreciate the president’s steady support.
National Science Foundation (NSF): The President’s budget requests $10.2 billion for FY25, a 12% increase over now enacted FY24 appropriations, but still less than what was authorized in the 2022 CHIPS and Science Act. “While we appreciate the President’s proposed increase in the NSF budget, it’s essential that we fully fund the CHIPS and Science provisions to maintain our global leadership in S&T, particularly in light of China’s announcement last week it was increasing its S&T investments by 10%,” Woolley said.
A survey commissioned by Research!America found that there is robust public agreement that global leadership in S&T is important (83% of Democrats, 91% of Republicans, and 87% of Independents say “very or somewhat important”). Americans are aware that our nation’s leadership is at risk, with 78% of Americans registering concern that China will surpass the U.S. as the world’s leading S&T power.
“We will work with President Biden and members on both sides of the aisle in Congress to ensure that the U.S. makes scientific, medical, and health research a top priority for the good of our country,” Woolley said. “Our nation needs this investment; it’s a vital part of our infrastructure. It’s time for our leadership in Washington, D.C., to step up and make this important investment.”