Home » Press Releases & Statements » Public Health Thank You Day, November 25, 2019

Public Health Thank You Day, November 25, 2019

Every Monday before Thanksgiving, Research!America salutes public health professionals who go above and beyond – often behind the scenes – to protect Americans and populations across the globe from illness and injury and empower improved health. This November 25, 2019, Public Health Thank You Day (PHTYD), join Research!America to honor everyday heroes for their commitment to fighting chronic diseases, promoting safety and health living, and protecting others in their communities.

“Improving the public’s health is not an impossible quest, it requires a 24 hours-a-day, 7-days-a-week, commitment to safer, healthier, and stronger communities. It is about people who devote their knowledge, time and talent to health promotion, disease prevention and ensuring access to care. They do this with a goal of achieving health equity and the best possible health for all. To the public health workforce: thank you not only for what you do, but for the passion, empathy, and inclusiveness you bring to this effort,” said Georges Benjamin, M.D., executive director of the American Public Health Association (APHA).

The public health workforce includes, but is not limited to:

Biomedical Researchers
Community Health Workers
Health Educators
Physical Therapists         
Scientists and Lab Technicians
Social Scientists

“Research!America salutes all those who work in public health, devoting their talents and expertise to improving the quality of life of Americans. Public Health Thank You Day is an opportunity to shine a spotlight on the people who help save lives during natural disasters, protect us from disease threats and boost the health and prosperity of communities across the country,” said Mary Woolley, president & CEO of Research!America. 

The bipartisan co-chairs of the Congressional Public Health Caucus, Rep. Jim McGovern (D-MA), Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-CA), Mike Simpson (R-ID), and Rob Wittman (R-VA) introduced a PHTYD resolution that commends individuals in the public health workforce for their dedication and service.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention leads the United States’ public health efforts. A timely example: a recently published CDC report sounds the alarm on antimicrobial resistance (AMR), revealing that each year in the U.S., antibiotic resistant bacteria sickens more than 2.8 million and kills more than 35,000.

Click here to view our 2019 Public Health Thank You Day information page. The toolkit includes social media resources and other resources to help you say thank you to Public Health workers in your community and elsewhere. For state by state data on the public health workforce, please email [email protected]. Join us on social media with the hashtag: #PHTYD
