Celebrate Public Health Thank You Day on Monday, November 21

Every year, on the Monday before Thanksgiving, Research!America brings together public health organizations and supporters to celebrate #PHTYD and show gratitude to the public health workforce for their dedication to protecting and improving health — both in America and around the world.
Yesterday, Reps. Robert J. Wittman (R-VA) and Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-CA) introduced House Concurrent Resolution 117, also co-sponsored by Jim McGovern (D-MA), “expressing the sense of Congress that public health professionals should be commended for their dedication and service to the United States on ‘Public Health Thank You Day,’ November 21, 2022.”
”We are grateful for the bipartisan support of Congress in encouraging the nation to recognize and thank our public health workforce,” said Mary Woolley, president and CEO of Research!America. “The sheer number and complexity of public health challenges confronting our nation and the global community – the need to prepare for future pandemics; health worker burnout and resignation; and antimicrobial resistance, among others – have only reinforced the tremendous value of the public health workforce, and added to our list of reasons to say, ‘thank you.’”
The public – including every one of us – plays an essential role as well. Our nation’s ability to live healthier, longer, and more productive lives rests on our collective commitment to supporting public health initiatives and the individuals who carry them out. And each of us knows someone who is part of the public health workforce; each of us knows specific people and groups we can reach out to online in order to add our thanks.
For 17 years, Public Health Thank You Day has inspired involvement at every level, offering ways for everyone to show their support. In addition to the involvement of countless organizations and individuals, every year, governmental public officials — such as the HHS Secretary, CDC and NIH directors, U.S. Surgeon General, members of Congress, and governors — have voiced their thanks for those who serve as public health heroes.
More information and materials can be found at www.PublicHealthThankYouDay.org, including a helpful social media toolkit. Individuals and organizations can use the hashtag #PHTYD across all social media platforms to join in recognizing the contributions of the public health workforce.
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Contact Tim Haynes, Senior Director of Communications for Research!America, at 571-482-2737 or [email protected] with press inquiries.