Research!America Announces Call for Proposals for Science Student Civic Engagement Projects

Supported in part by a grant from the Rita Allen Foundation, Research!America has announced a request for proposals from graduate student- and postdoc-led science policy groups for its civic engagement initiative. Started in 2018, the Civic Engagement Microgrant Program supports activities developed by science student groups to connect directly with public officials and community leaders regarding the importance of scientific discovery and research.
The program is designed to encourage dialogue between young scientists and local leaders about the roles science and research play in issues important to their communities. Groups are also encouraged to expand their efforts through partnerships with social science and communications students as part of the new Science Meets Science Microgrant Program.
In 2019, the organization is seeking innovative proposals from a diverse group of early-career scientists and other science policy groups focused on activities such as op-ed writing workshops, roundtable discussions, forums, and science fair-style events with elected and non-elected public officials, community leaders and policy experts, local or state officials, and members of the public.
Science policy groups across the country managed by graduate students and postdocs are eligible to apply. Grants are made only to support activities of student groups and not are not payable to individuals. Eligible student groups must have a fiscal sponsor.
Up to fifteen groups will receive grants ranging between $1,000 and $3,000.
Proposals are due September 20, 2019. Grant awards will be announced in early October.
For additional information, including eligibility and evaluation criteria, see the Research!America website.