Biden Medical Research Agenda Favors New Agency Over Basics

Read the full article at Bloomberg Law. (Subscription required).
The National Institutes of Health’s total budget would grow to about $62 billion in fiscal 2023 under the president’s request released Monday, about $20 billion more than it’s had over the last few years. However, $12 billion of that money is designated for part of a larger mandatory pandemic preparedness package.
Separately, the White House wants to designate $5 billion in discretionary funds toward the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health, or ARPA-H. …
Ellie Dehoney, vice president of policy and advocacy for Research!America, said the push to ramp up ARPA-H might come at the expense of funding basic biomedical research.
“Diseases are terrorists. We can’t treat them as if they’re dinner guests. We’ve got to go after them,” Dehoney said. “As much as I respect the president for his commitment to medical research, I don’t think this budget reflects the best our nation can do. I think we can do better.”