2022 National Health Research Forum

The 2022 National Health Research Forum, Straight Talk: The, Now, Imagine took place from Monday, September 19, 2021, to Wednesday, September 21, 2022.
For more than 20 years, Research!America has held an annual National Health Research Forum that gathers top federal officials, leaders from academia, patient advocacy, industry, and the philanthropic community, and distinguished national media to take an unvarnished look at issues vital to the wellbeing of our nation, our economy, and patients across the globe.
In 2022, via a virtual platform, 70 speakers including 13 high-ranking governmental officials joined us over two days, September 19 and 20, to explore how to stand on the shoulders of giants and defeat threats that rob us of health, hope, and time followed by an in-person reception in Washington, DC, on September 21. Click on the dropdowns below to explore the agenda, speakers, and recordings from each day.
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Marc Boutin, JD
Global Head of Patient Engagement,
Mary Woolley*
President and CEO,
What it Takes to Make Progress
Eleanor "Ellie" Dehoney
Vice President, Policy and Advocacy,
Dan Skovronsky MD, PhD
Senior Vice President and Chief Scientific and Medical Officer,
Eli Lilly and Company
Once-in-a-Generation Legislation: The Chips and Science Bill
Judy Woodruff*
Anchor and Managing Editor,
PBS NewsHour
Sethuraman Panchanathan, PhD
National Science Foundation
Clinical Trial Diversity: A Research Imperative
Yasmeen Long, MA
Director, FasterCures,
Milken Institute
Melanie Ivarsson, OBE
Chief Development Officer,
Moses Alobo, MD
Programmes Manager Grand Challenges Africa,
Science for Africa Foundation
E. Albert Reece, MD, PhD, MBA*
Dean Emeritus and former Executive VP; Professor, OBGYN,
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Maryland School of Medicine
Why I Fight for Medical Progress
Pat Furlong
President and CEO,
Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy
The Path of Patient Engagement
Randall "Randy" Rutta, MA
National Health Council
Nakela Cook, MD, MPH
Executive Director,
Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute
Can New Discoveries Combat Antimicrobial Resistance?
This panel explored the impact of COVID-19 on AMR as well as promising new approaches to address AMR such as wastewater surveillance, genomic sequencing, and phages research.
Rachel Roubein
National health-care reporter and author of The Health 202,
The Washington Post
Michael Craig, MPP
Director, Antimicrobial Resistance Coordination and Strategy Unit,
Amy Mathers, MD, D(ABMM)
Associate Professor of Medicine and Pathology, University
of Virginia School of Medicine Division of Infectious Diseases & International Health
Jeff F. Miller, PhD
Fred Kavli Chair, NanoSystems Sciences; Director, California NanoSystems Institute; Professor, Dept. of
Microbiology, Immunology and Molecular Genetics, UCLAMichael Ybarra, MD, FACEP, FAPC
Vice President of Advocacy and Strategic Alliances
and Chief of Medical Affairs, PhRMA
A Road Worth Traveling: Researcher to Researcher
Keila Miles, PhD
Learning Impact Fellow,
Federation of American Scientists
Ned Braunstein, MD
Executive Vice President, Regulatory Affairs and Global Patient Safety,
Lupus: Patient-Centered Advances in Treatments and Education
Alok Patel, MD
Pediatric Hospitalist, Lucile Packard Children's Hospital; Special Correspondent, ABC News; Pediatric Content Advisor, Medscape;
Host, NOVA Now Podcast, PBS
Janine Austin Clayton, MD, FARVO
NIH Associate Director for Research on Women’s Health; Director,
NIH Office of Research on Women’s Health
Sherrita M. Dorsey, RN, MSN, FNP
Senior Director, Advocacy & Patient Engagement, Specialty
Business Unit, GlaxoSmithKline
Wendy Rodgers, MEd, MPH
Director, Care and Support Services,
Lupus Foundation of America
Deadlier than Ever: The Obesity Epidemic
Arthur C. Evans Jr., PhD*
American Psychological Association
Special Remarks
The Honorable Shelley Moore Capito
U.S. Senate (R-WV)
A Vision for the Future of Health Care
Deborah Trautman, PhD, RN, FAAN*
President & CEO,
American Association of Colleges of Nursing
Jan Herzhoff
Elsevier Health
It's Time for Change
Emil D. Kakkis, MD, PhD
Founder, President and CEO,
Special Remarks
Admiral Rachel L. Levine, MD
Assistant Secretary for Health,
Department of Health and Human Services
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Mary Woolley*
President and CEO,
Vice Admiral Vivek H. Murthy, MD, MBA
U.S. Surgeon General,
Department of Health and Human Services
Connected Technologies Improving Health
Nancy Brown*
Chief Executive Officer,
American Heart Association
Jessica Mega, MD, MPH*
Co-Founder and Chief Medical and Scientific Officer,
Maria Emanuel Ryan, DDS, PhD
Vice President and Chief Clinical Officer,
Colgate-Palmolive Company
Alzheimer’s Research: An Early Career Researcher’s Perspective
Savannah G. Sims, PhD
Dr. Leroy Hood Science Policy Fellow,
James Quinn, PhD
Research Fellow in Neurology,
Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School
Translational Research: The Path from Evidence to Intervention
Mark McClellan, MD, PhD*
Robert J. Margolis Professor of Business, Medicine, and Policy; Director,
Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy, Duke University
David Reese, MD
Executive Vice President, Research and Development,
Amgen Inc.
Removing Barriers to Pediatric Clinical Trials
Jacqui Whiteway, PhD
Senior Director, Centre for Paediatric Clinical Development,
ICON plc (an ACRO member company)
Medical Progress Redoubled: Forging Multi-Sector Partnerships
Derek K. Rapp*
Managing Director,
RiverVest Venture Partners
Akiko Otani
Senior Director, Public Private Partnership and Global Science Policy,
Edward Neilan, MD, PhD
Chief Medical and Scientific Officer,
National Organization for Rare Disorders
Reducing the Wait for Breakthrough Medical Devices
Jeff Allen, PhD
President and CEO,
Friends of Cancer Research
Lishan Aklog, MD
Chairman & CEO, Co-Founder at PAVmed Inc and Lucid
Diagnostics Inc.; Medical Technology Entrepreneur; Heart Surgeon
Confronting a New Challenge: Monkeypox
Ayman El-Mohandes, MBBCh, MD, MPH*
City University of New York Graduate School of Public Health and Health Policy
Demetre Daskalakis, MD, MPH
National Monkeypox Response Deputy Coordinator,
White House
Health and Medical Research Opportunities and Challenges
Mary Woolley*
President and CEO,
Larry Tabak, DDS, PhD
Performing the Duties of the
Director of the National Institutes of Health
Novel Clinical Trial Design Paving the Way for Innovation
Harold "Hal" Paz, MD, MS*
Executive Vice President for Health Sciences,
Stony Brook University
Peter Marks, MD, PhD
Center for Biologics Evaluation & Research, FDA
Cyndi Zagieboylo*
President and CEO,
National Multiple Sclerosis Society
A Vision for FDA’s Future
Susan Dentzer*
Chair, Research!America Board; President and CEO,
America's Physician Groups
Robert Califf, MD
Food and Drug Administration
Health Services Research Driving Change in Patient Care
Melissa J. Perry, ScD, MHS
Dean, College of Health and Human Services,
George Mason University
Robert Otto Valdez, PhD, MHSA
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
A Few Perspectives on Fostering a Diverse Research Workforce
The panel discussed the importance of developing a research workforce that reflects the diversity of our nation and preserves U.S. competitiveness.
M. Roy Wilson, MD*
Wayne State University
Marie Bernard, MD
Chief Officer for Scientific Workforce Diversity (COSWD),
Elvie Gee
Executive Director, Global Inclusion & Diversity,
Bristol Myers Squibb
Jasmine George, PhD
Dr. Louis Sullivan Science Policy Fellow,
Gary A. Puckrein, PhD
President and CEO,
National Minority Quality Forum
Breaking Down Walls to Build Science Trust - What’s Working?
Panelists discussed current efforts to foster greater trust in science, what is working, and what could be improved.
Jenny Luray
Vice President of Strategy and Communications,
Elizabeth Christopherson
President and CEO,
Rita Allen Foundation
Maria Newhardt, PhD
Post-Doctoral Fellow, Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation; Director, Community Outreach Program,
University Of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
Andrea Isabel López
Civic Science Fellow,
Reed Tuckson, MD, FACP*
Black Coalition Against COVID
Becoming a Public Health Nation
Guillermo "Willy" Prado, PhD*
Vice Provost, Faculty Affairs; Dean, Graduate School; Professor, Nursing and Health Studies, Public Health
Sciences, and Psychology, University of Miami
Ashish Jha, MD, MPH
White House COVID-19 Response Coordinator
* Current or Emeritus Research!America Board Member