Nominate a Star Today

Michael J. Fox, Sen. Roy Blunt (R-MO), Helene Gayle, MD, MPH, and Katalin Karikó, PhD, have all led highly distinguished careers in their respective fields, but they have one additional thing in common: they are former Research!America Advocacy Awardees. Who will be next to join them on this incredible list? You have a voice in helping choose Research!America’s 2025 Advocacy Awardees! The Advocacy Awards recognize individuals and organizations whose commitment to advocacy for research and innovation has advanced medical, public health, and scientific progress in profoundly important ways. Take a look at the award descriptions and submit your nominations now. The deadline is Friday, May 31, so don’t delay!
On The Hill: Looking back on the last several letters I’ve sent and emails we’ve received from you in return, I realized I haven’t stopped to thank the many of you who don’t just read these letters, but routinely make use of the advocacy tools in them. I know from years of conversations with members of Congress and their staff members that your outreach matters.
This week, we are asking you to engage in a different way. We have recently heard from a number of alliance members with questions about legislation focused on the “valley of death” in R&D funding. From tax credits to bond funds to “subscription” payments, members of Congress and their respective staff members are thinking creatively about how to fill gaps in R&D financing that prevent basic research from being translated into new medical advances. Our “ask” this week is this: check out this list we compiled of “valley of death” focused legislation, and let Jacqueline Lagoy from our team know if you’d be interested in an alliance discussion focused on any of the bills. We will work to make it happen!
What’s Next for FY25? We have a timely alliance members-only discussion next week. Both the House and Senate are determined to complete their versions of all 12 FY25 appropriations bills well before Congress adjourns for the August recess. At the same time, there are significant concerns about the funding caps imposed by the 2023 debt ceiling deal. How will these caps impact the investment needed to drive scientific, medical, and public health progress? Join us on May 15, from 12 to 12:45 p.m. ET, for an off-the-record virtual conversation with Jonathan Daniels, Deputy Director, Coalition for Health Funding. Research!America alliance members may email Jacqueline Lagoy for the registration link.
Talking about Super Bugs: Alison Feinswog, Legislative Director for Rep. Mike Levin (D-CA), joined an alliance discussion this week to talk about the bipartisan SUPER BUGS Act (H.R.1305), reintroduced by Reps. Levin and Drew Ferguson (R-GA). The bill seeks to coordinate partnerships to develop and commercialize new antimicrobial drugs, diagnostics, and other related products. Watch a recording of the conversation, read an overview of the bill, and contact Alison if you or your organization is interested in supporting this effort.
Amplify State of Science Recommendations: The Science and Technology Action Committee (STAC), of which I am a co-founder, has mounted an eight-week digital campaign highlighting four key challenges identified in the State of Science in America report. Through a series of blog posts and social media ads, STAC is bringing attention to the urgent need to take steps to raise awareness and support for retaining our ability to compete with China, putting artificial intelligence to work productively, assuring a strong STEM workforce, and improving K-12 STEM education. Read the first post here. See the ads and help amplify STAC’s LinkedIn and Twitter/X messages.
Ready or Not? Trust for America’s Health (TFAH) has released an important report on states’ preparedness to protect public health from disease outbreaks, natural disasters, or bioterrorism. It is helpful to see where your state lands in terms of readiness based on this report, the findings of which underscore the need for greater investment in public health research. You know and I know that evidence generation grounds, equips, and informs efficient, effective, and nimble preparedness and response efforts. Yet, public health research is – let’s face it – egregiously overlooked and seriously underfunded. We are proud to work with our alliance members and partners like TFAH to raise the profile of public health research in its varied, synergistic forms.
Celebrating Our Nurses: This week is National Nurses Week, so let’s take a moment to honor our nurse researchers and the work they do to advance nursing education, research, and practice. Join the conversation on social media by tagging @AACNursing and using the hashtag #NationalNursesWeek.
Register for Early Career Researchers Summit! Early career researchers are encouraged to join us in June for Research!America’s fourth annual Reaching the Peak: A Science & Technology Early Career Researcher Summit Series. This popular series of free, virtual programs throughout June enables early career researchers to explore an array of career paths, network with fellow researchers, participate in professional development workshops on science communication and science policy and advocacy, hear from distinguished leaders, and engage in meaningful discussions around research funding and policy issues. Secure your spot today!