2018 Post-Election Briefing

Join Research!America for a briefing as we look at the impact of mid-term election outcomes on the 116th Congress and implications for U.S. research and development (R&D). Location: American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1200 New York Ave, NW, Washington,DC 20005 Event Date and Time: Thursday, November 8, 2018 10:00 am - 11:30 am […]

2022 National Health Research Forum

For more than 20 years, Research!Americaand its partners have held an annual National Health Research Forum that gathers top federal officials, leaders from academia, patient advocacy, industry, and the philanthropic community, and distinguished national media to take an unvarnished look at issues vital to the wellbeing of our nation, our economy, and patients across the globe.    The theme of the 2022 Virtual National […]

Post Election Briefing

Please join us for an in-the-moment discussion about the mid-term election outcomes and implications for the 118th Congress.

Public Health Thank You Day

For 17 years, Research!America has organized the effort to say “thank you” to our public health workforce the Monday before Thanksgiving. The sheer number and complexity of public health challenges confronting our nation and the global community (the need to prepare for future pandemics; health worker burnout and resignation; dwindling trust in science and public […]

Alliance Discussion with Sarah Despres, HHS

In recognition of Public Health Thank You Day, Sarah Despres, Counselor for Public Health and Science at The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, joined us for an off-the-record conversation on all things public health.

New Approaches to Address Obesity

  Watch the video of the event.   New Approaches to Address Obesity Wednesday, December 14, 2022 11 a.m. ET Moderator: Ken Thorpe, PhD, Robert W. Woodruff Professor and Chair of the Department of Health Policy & Management, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University Speakers: Laurie Donze, PhD, Program Director, Clinical Applications and Prevention […]

Alliance Discussion with Dr. Michael Friedlander and Heywood Fralin

Research!America’s 2023 Gordon and Llura Gund Leadership Award honorees Heywood Fralin, Chairman of Retirement Unlimited, Inc. and Michael J. Friedlander, PhD, Vice President of Health Sciences and Technology at Virginia Tech and Executive Director of the Fralin Biomedical Research Institute at VTC joined us for a conversation on the innovative partnership model of the Fralin […]

Alliance Discussion with Erik Ewers and Christopher Loren Ewers

Erik Ewers and Christopher Loren Ewers, co-directors of Hiding in Plain Sight, Youth Mental Illness and winners of Research!America’s 2023 Isadore Rosenfeld Award for Impact on Public Opinion Award joined us for a conversation. Watch the recording.  

Alliance Discussion with Dr. James Crowe

Dr. James Crowe, Director of the Vaccine Center and Ann Scott Carell Professor of Pediatrics, Pathology, Microbiology & Immunology at Vanderbilt University Medical Center and winner of Research!America’s 2023 Building the Foundation Award, joined us to discuss the significance of public-private partnership in the response to COVID-19 and in achieving fast-paced progress against other deadly […]

Alliance Discussion with Dr. Pamela Davis, MD, PhD, Case Western Reserve University

Pamela Davis, MD, PhD, Arline H. & Curtis F. Garvin Research Professor at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine recipient of Research!America’s 2023 Herbert Pardes Family Award for National Leadership in Advocacy for Research was joined by her colleague, Heidi Gullett, MD, MPH, for a discussion on the vital role of the community–as planners, […]

Alliance Discussion with Dr. Margaret Hamburg

Dr. Margaret Hamburg. Margaret A. Hamburg, MD, an internationally recognized leader in public health, medicine, and biomedical research and innovation, joined us for an alliance discussion. She has served in numerous leadership roles including Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, National Academy of Medicine Foreign Secretary, President/Chair of the American Association for the Advancement […]

Alliance Discussion with Hip Hop Public Health

Hip Hop Public Health Executive Director and CEO, Lori Rose Benson, and President and Founder, Dr. Olajide Williams, of Hip Hop Public Health, joined us for a special alliance discussion. Through Hip Hop Public Health‘s pioneering Multisensory Multilevel Health Education Model, youth develop essential health literacy knowledge and skills, and serve as intergenerational advocates for […]

Alliance Discussion with Dr. Helene Gayle

Dr. Helene Gayle, President of Spelman College and recipient of Research!America’s 2023 Geoffrey Beene Foundation Builders of Science Award, joined us for an alliance discussion. Dr. Gayle has contributed in profoundly important ways to addressing the social determinants that impact health and the inequities that compromise it. Watch this thought- and action-inspiring conversation between Dr. […]

Alliance Member-Only Meeting with KDCR Partners

If your organization is a member of Research!America, join us for a closed door discussion with congressional and executive branch veterans from both sides of the aisle, Julie Hershey Carr and Lisa Kountoupes. This was a members-only, off-the-record discussion.

Alliance Discussion with the Michael J. Fox Foundation

Debi Brooks, Chief Executive Officer and co-founder of the Michael J. Fox Foundation – recipient of our 2023 Paul G. Rogers Distinguished Organization Advocacy Award – joined us to discuss their critical work in Parkinson’s Disease research the foundation is doing and their unique vantage on patient engagement. Watch the recording.

Alliance Discussion with Andi Fristedt, FDA

What are FDA’s 2023 priorities under the new drug and medical device user fee bills? What exactly was included about clinical trial diversity in December’s Omnibus legislation? FDA Deputy Commissioner for Policy, Legislation and International Affairs, Andi Fristedt, joined us to share an inside look at key issues impacting patients, researchers, and industry. Watch the […]

Alliance Discussion with Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA)

Amanda Jezek, Senior Vice President of Public Policy and Government Relations, Lisa Cox, Director of Government Relations, and Eli Briggs, Director of Public Policy from Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) joined us for a discussion led by Jenny Luray, Research!America’s Vice President of Strategy and Communications, about antimicrobial resistance –a public health challenge only […]

Alliance Member-Only Meeting with Clay Alspach, Leavitt Partners

Clay Alspach, Principal at Leavitt Partners and Former Chief Health Counsel of the House Energy & Commerce Committee, joined us for a closed door discussion about implementation of the prescription drug reimbursement and coverage provisions in the Inflation Reduction Act. This was a members-only, off-the-record discussion.

Alliance Discussion with Caroline Montojo, PhD, Dana Foundation

We were joined by Caroline Montojo, PhD, President of the Dana Foundation. Dr. Montojo discussed highlights from the 2022 national survey we commissioned in partnership with the Dana Foundation, on brain health and brain health research. Additionally, she shed light on the Foundation’s vision for a future in which brain science benefits from and reflects […]

Alliance Member-Only Meeting with Emily Holubowich,  American Heart Association

Emily Holubowich, VP of Federal Advocacy at the American Heart Association, joined us for a close-door discussion on the President’s Fiscal Year 2024 budget request. She also discussed the outlook for FY24 appropriations generally, in what can only be described as an indescribable federal funding environment. This was a members-only, off-the-record discussion.

2023 Advocacy Awards

Established in 1996, the Advocacy Awards are an annual, signature event for Research!America and the research community. This year’s event will be high-energy, engaging, and inspiring. Meet the 2023 Honorees.

Alliance Discussion with Yvette Seger, FASEB

Yvette Seger, Director of Science Policy, Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) joined us to give us a crash course on how you can weigh in on policy at NIH and other research agencies through Requests for Information (RFIs). It’s easier than you think! Watch the recording and view the slides.

Alliance Discussion with Dr. Nora Volkow, National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)

Dr. Nora Volkow, Director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), joined us for a candid conversation about the opioid crisis. Where are we on the arduous path to ending this crisis? How is public and private sector-fueled research contributing? Your participation added value to a conversation focused on a battle our nation and […]

Alliance Member-Only Meeting with Nick Bath, Manatt, Phelps & Phillips

Nick Bath, Partner at Manatt, Phelps & Phillips joined us for a closed-door discussion on the intersection of Food and Drug Administration and Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services decision-making as the controversy surrounding “coverage with evidence” development for new Alzheimer’s drugs continues. This was a members-only, off-the-record discussion.

ARPA-H: Partnering for Faster Global Health Progress

Join Research!America, Global Health Technologies Coalition (GHTC), and other GH community partners for a conversation with David Bowen, special advisor at the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H). We’ve asked David to give an overview of ARPA-H and how this exciting new USG agency differs from others, and to discuss the ways in which […]

Alliance Discussion with Tish Hevel, The Brain Donor Project

Tish Hevel, CEO of The Brain Donor Project, joined us for a discussion on brain donation. In concert with the NeuroBioBank of the National Institutes of Health, The Brain Donor Project is the leading organization working to increase awareness and facilitate brain donation in pursuit of faster neurological scientific breakthroughs. Tish helped illuminate the process […]

Alliance Discussion with Dr. Mary Pittman, Public Health Institute

Research is only as good as the data informing it. Mary Pittman, President and CEO, Public Health Institute (PHI) joined us for a discussion focused on what good data really looks like in the context of public health research; tools and approaches to make data more precise; and how social determinants of health and other […]

Alliance Member-Only Meeting on AI with Dr. Regina Barzilay, MIT

Regina Barzilay, PhD, Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at MIT, joined us to discuss the potential – and potential pitfalls – as health-focused artificial intelligence (AI) evolves. Dr. Barzilay answered questions and shared her own story: and how confronting breast cancer convinced her AI can dramatically improve the diagnosis and treatment of disease. […]

2023 Annual Meeting of Members

The 2023 Research!America Annual Meeting of Members highlighted our 2022 accomplishments and featured special guest speakers. This gathering, for leadership, staff, employees, and students of member institutions and organizations, was held on April 20, 2023, 1:00–2:15 p.m. ET Agenda Highlights: Hear from Research!America’s newly elected Board Chair, Sudip Parikh, PhD Remarks from U.S. Representative Lauren […]

Alliance Discussion with Dr. Rebecca Cunningham, University of Michigan

Rebecca Cunningham, MD, Vice President for Research at the University of Michigan, joined us to discuss the role of research in addressing firearm injury as the individual and societal toll of this deadly public health threat grows. Watch the recording and view her slides.

Alliance Discussion with John Crowley, Amicus Therapeutics

John Crowley, Chairman and CEO, Amicus Therapeutics, joined us to discuss the personal journey that led to his remarkable impact on progress against rare diseases, and the path to dramatically faster progress going forward. Watch the recording.

NIH: The Essentials

We were joined by Dr. Ned Sharpless, who among his many distinctions served as the Director of the National Cancer Center under the Trump and Biden Administrations. Dr. Sharpless sat down with leading health policy expert and commentator Susan Dentzer, in a conversation focused on the National Institutes of Health. What does NIH do, how […]

Alliance Member-Only Meeting with Sara Maskornick, Senate HELP Subcommittee on Children & Families

Sara Maskornick, Democratic Staff Director of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Subcommittee on Children & Families, joined us for a closed-door, alliance member-only meeting to provide an update on the Senate’s efforts to develop and secure passage of legislation to reauthorize the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act (PAHPA). Signed into law in 2006, […]

Alliance Discussion with Dr. Gary Gibbons, NIH NHLBI

Gary Gibbons, MD, Director of the NIH National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, joined us for a Zoom conversation about where we stand in the fight against sickle cell disease (SCD). SCD affects over 20 million people worldwide, including nearly 100,000 in the U.S. alone. Progress against this disease has been tragically slow. However, recent […]

Alliance Member-Only Meeting with Dr. Peter Marks, FDA’s CBER

Peter Marks, MD, PhD, director of the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) at FDA, joined us for a members-only alliance discussion to discuss efforts to shape a robust, cost- and time-efficient regulatory review pathway for advances in gene therapy. Offering unimagined hope for the treatment and cure of rare childhood diseases and other […]

Alliance Discussion with Dr. Vincent Conitzer, Carnegie Mellon University

More than 27,000 individuals – many of them luminaries in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) -- have signed an open letter by the Future of Life Institute calling for a pause in the training of AI systems more powerful than GPT-4. Given the widespread implications of AI for research and health (and virtually everything else), key signatory, Vincent Conitzer, […]

Alliance Discussion with Dr. Neil Vora, Conservation International

Neil Vora, MD, a physician with Conservation International, joined us to discuss his work in addressing pandemic prevention. His work focuses on the link between human health and the health of the planet – particularly as it relates to the increasing threat of viruses that can ‘spillover’ from animals to humans – and how policy […]

Alliance Discussion with Dr. Jeffrey Cummings, University of Nevada

More than 6.7 million individuals in the U.S. have Alzheimer’s disease, and that number is growing rapidly. Each day that passes without effective treatments brings tragic consequences for patients and their loved ones. As the debate over coverage for new Alzheimer’s drugs continues,  Jeffrey Cummings, MD, ScD, of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, joined […]

Alliance Member-Only Meeting with James Lucier, Capital Alpha Partners 

We held an off-the-record conversation with James Lucier of Capital Alpha Partners about the implications of the debt deal for research, public health, and public-private R&D partnerships. What is the outlook for funding for NIH and other research and public health agencies? What does the deal mean for pandemic preparedness? What can advocates do to help shape the answers […]

Alliance Discussion with Dr. Reinhard Laubenbacher, University of Florida

Let’s face it, “digital twin” sounds more like a dystopian Netflix series than a significant development in the medical research arena. Yet digital twin modeling could revolutionize the discovery, development, and delivery pipeline. Reinhard Laubenbacher, PhD, Professor in the Department of Medicine and Director of the Laboratory for Systems Medicine, at the University of Florida, […]

Alliance Member-Only Meeting with Mary Dee Beal, KDCR Partners

Congressional veteran Mary Dee Beal, Principal at KDCR Partners, joined us for a closed-door discussion for an update on where we are in the Fiscal Year 2024 appropriations process following the signing of the Fiscal Responsibility Act.

Alliance Member-Only Meeting with Paul Kim, Kendall Square Policy Strategies LLC

If your organization is a member of Research!America, join us on for a discussion with Paul Kim, Principal at Kendall Square Policy Strategies LLC, for an update on where we are in the process to reauthorize the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act (PAHPA). Signed into law in 2006, this legislation that has dramatically bolstered our […]

Alliance Discussion with Dr. Dan Jernigan, Director of the National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (NCEZID)

How is the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) helping to better protect the U.S. from public health threats? Dan Jernigan, MD, MPH, Director of the National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (NCEZID) at the CDC, joined us to discuss the new vision for NCEZID and how the Center is incorporating innovation […]

Alliance Discussion with Bill Novelli, Founder: Business for Impact Center at Georgetown University McDonough School of Business, and Mary Woolley, President & CEO, Research!America

Bill Novelli, Founder of the Business for Impact Center at Georgetown University McDonough School of Business joined Research!America to discuss the art and science of effective R&D advocacy. Bill Novelli co-founded the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids and the Coalition to Transform Advanced Care, and is the author of "Good Business: The Talk, Fight, Win Way […]

Alliance Discussion with Dr. Jon Lorsch, Director of National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS)

What is NIH’s Role in Securing the Research Workforce?  Jon R. Lorsch, PhD, Director of the National Institute of General Medical Sciences at NIH joined us to provide an update on the Institute's role in bringing about more sustainable and inclusive career paths for early career researchers across medical and health research engineering disciplines. View […]

Alliance Discussion with Dan Farmer, Principal at BGR Government Affairs

On Thursday, August 24th at noon ET, Dan Farmer, principal on the Health and Life Sciences Practice at BGR Government Affairs, joined us to speak about a precedent-setting coverage pathway for Breakthrough medical devices and the implications for patients and research inside and outside the medical device arena. View his slides and watch the recording.

Alliance Discussion with Dr. Mitch Prinstein, American Psychological Association

Our world is more connected than ever before. Our communities lie at our fingertips, from Twitter to Instagram to TikTok, but does interconnectedness have its drawbacks? What does it mean to grow up in a world where your community is online? Dr. Mitch Prinstein, Chief Science Officer at the American Psychological Association, joined us to […]

Research!America Alliance Member-only Meeting with Cheryl Jaeger, Crossroads Strategies and Jane Loewenson, NVG, LLC

The September 30th end of Fiscal Year 2023 is fast approaching. What’s possible, probable, and probably not in the cards as R&D relevant funding and policy priorities hang in the balance?  If your organization is a Research!America alliance member, join us for a candid, off-the record conversation with two highly respected Capitol Hill Veterans, Cheryl […]

National Health Research Forum

The 2023 Forum will include both virtual and live, in-person components over the course of two days on September 19 and 20. September 19th, Day 1, will be fully virtual. September 20th, Day 2, will be held in person in Washington, DC, at The George Washington University (GWU), followed by a reception at GWU. Map […]

Alliance Discussion with Dr. Bri Sheppard and Dr. Heidi Olson, University of Illinois College of Medicine Rockford

Rural Health Disparities: What will it take to make progress?   Rural Americans face a range of alarming health disparities compared to their urban counterparts. Some grim examples: according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), rural Americans are more likely to die from cancer, heart disease, unintentional injury, and stroke than those living […]

Alliance Discussion with David Ridley, Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business

Incentivizing Hard-won Solutions  David Ridley joined us to discuss Priority Review Vouchers (PRV)s.The PRV is an R&D investment incentive designed to spur development in areas of unmet medical need. The first PRV program, focused on the development of drugs for neglected tropical diseases (NTDs), was signed into law in 2007, and subsequent legislation expanded the […]

Alliance Member-only Meeting with Mary Dee Beal, KDCR Partners

Join Research!America on Wednesday, October 11 at noon Eastern for a quick check in on what’s happening (or not) in Congress. We’ll discuss the continuing push and pull around FY24 funding and other R&D-related developments with Capitol Hill veteran Mary Dee Beal, Principal at KDCR Partners. Email Jacqueline at [email protected] for the member-only registration link.

Alliance Discussion with Dr. Edwin Oh, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

New Public Health Horizons: the evolving science of wastewater Intelligence Edwin Oh, PhD, Associate Professor at the Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV), joined us for an alliance discussion to chat about the impact, potential, and limitations of wastewater “intelligence.” Among his diverse areas of expertise, Dr. Oh […]

Alliance Member-Only Meeting with Kathryn Bell, Minority Health Policy Advisor, Senate HELP Committee

If your organization is a Research!America member, join us on Tuesday, October 24, at noon ET, for an off-the-record conversation with Kathryn Bell, Minority Health Policy Advisor to the Senate HELP Committee. Kathryn will discuss the request for information on NIH reform from HELP Committee Ranking Member Cassidy as the deadline for stakeholder feedback (October 27) […]

Alliance Discussion with Tom Romanoff, Bipartisan Policy Center

In the midst of multiple AI-related congressional and administration policy and regulatory initiatives, we continue to receive requests for alliance discussions that take a step back and address big picture AI concepts. Outside of any particular use of AI, what are the concepts, terms, capacities, and issues that distinguish AI from good old-fashioned IT? Haven’t […]

Alliance Discussion with Gelise Thomas, Clinical and Translational Science Collaborative at Case Western Reserve University

A diverse and inclusive research environment that engages scientists and community members is key to good science that leads to better health outcomes for all.  Gelise Thomas, Assistant Director of Strategic DEI & Health Disparities at the Clinical and Translational Science Collaborative of Northern Ohio (CTSC) within Case Western Reserve University, joined us for an […]

Alliance Member-Only Meeting with Rob Smith, Capital Alpha Partners

Join us on Tuesday, November 14 at noon ET, for a timely Alliance Discussion ahead of the impending Continuing Resolution expiration on November 17th. If your organization is a Research!America member, we invite you to an off-the-record conversation with Rob Smith, Managing Director at Capital Alpha. With over two decades of experience in Washington's healthcare […]

Alliance Discussion with Dr. Daniel Pham, Dr. Cara Altimus, and Dr. Emily Baxi, BD²

It has been just over one year since the launch of BD2: Breakthrough Discoveries for Thriving with Bipolar Disorder. BD2 is a philanthropically driven nonprofit initiative that seeks to develop effective interventions so that all people with bipolar disorder thrive. To shorten the time it takes from research findings into clinical care, we have awarded […]

Alliance Discussion with Dr. E. Oscar Alleyne, Managing Director, Public Health Division at MITRE

On Monday, November 20, at noon ET, epidemiologist and leading public health expert, Dr. E. Oscar Alleyne, Managing Director of the Public Health Division at MITRE, joined us for a special Public Health Thank You Day alliance discussion. MITRE partners across government, industry, and academia to improve our nation’s public health and well-being. Dr. Alleyne […]

Public Health Thank You Day

On the Monday before Thanksgiving, Research!America and leading public health organizations take the time to say “thank you” to our public health workforce who work tirelessly every day to protect us from disease, injury, and other health threats. From the ordinary to the extraordinary, these heroes keep our drinking water clean, our communities healthy, and our children […]

First Annual Symposium to Address the Maternal Health Crisis in Georgia

Georgia has one of the highest rates of maternal mortality in the U.S. Despite several important efforts more action is needed. To address this crisis, Emory University's Woodruff Health Sciences Center, in collaboration with Research!America, Morehouse School of Medicine, Mercer University School of Medicine, and other organizations in Georgia, is bringing together care providers, scientists, […]

Alliance Discussion with Dr. Philip Baiden, University of Texas at Arlington

On Wednesday, November 29 at noon ET, suicide prevention researcher Dr. Philip Baiden, Associate Professor at the University of Texas at Arlington's School of Social Work, joined us for an important Alliance Discussion on suicide prevention. A leading expert in the field, Dr. Baiden’s vast expertise includes the social determinants of health, adolescent health risk behaviors, […]

Alliance Member-Only Meeting with Erik Fatemi, Principal at Cornerstone Government Affairs

New Year, Old Budget All signs point to more mayhem in January as Congressional leadership navigates the twists and turns of the Fiscal Year 2024 appropriations process. Erik Fatemi of Cornerstone Government Affairs joined us for an off-the-record conversation about the appropriations outlook and what that means for research advocacy. In particular, he walked through […]

Alliance Discussion with Dr. Howard Zucker, Deputy Director for Global Health at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Complex and longstanding challenges are keeping our world out of balance, making us all more vulnerable to threats that could impact the future wellbeing of millions across the globe. We have a window of time as we recover from the impacts of COVID to innovate and improve global health. Dr. Howard Zucker, Deputy Director for […]

Alliance Discussion with Dr. Bob Conn, Distinguished Policy Fellow, UCSD; President/CEO Emeritus, The Kavli Foundation

From public sector to private sector to philanthropy, the unique ecosystem of research and discovery in the United States has shepherded countless advances in science and medicine for decades. Dr. Robert Conn, Walter Zable Distinguished Professor and Dean Emeritus of Engineering at the University of California, San Diego, and recipient of Research!America’s 2024 Gordon and […]

Alliance Member-Only Meeting with Brian Fahey, Legislative Director, House Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee Chair Brett Guthrie

If your organization is a member of the Research!America Alliance, please join us for an off-the-record alliance member-only discussion with Brian Fahey, Legislative Director in the office of House Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee Chair Brett Guthrie (R-KY-2).  We’ve asked Brian to discuss Chair Guthrie’s priorities for this key subcommittee, which has jurisdiction over NIH, ARPA-H, FDA, CDC, […]

The Bridge that Bipartisanship Built: Challenges to our nation’s technology transfer system.

More than 30 years ago, Congress, with broad bipartisan support, created a new “tech transfer” system that led to an explosion in U.S.-driven scientific, technological, and medical breakthroughs.  A proposed Commerce Department rule, while well-intentioned, risks the technology transfer bridge between public, academic, and private sector R&D at the expense of progress crucial to U.S. […]

Alliance Discussion with Dr. Rita Colwell, Distinguished University Professor, University of Maryland

Where and when will the next infectious disease outbreak come? How can we ensure that our public health system is prepared? Dr. Rita Colwell, a Distinguished University Professor at the University of Maryland College Park, Founder of CosmosID, Inc., and former Director of the National Science Foundation, and the recipient of Research!America’s 2024 Builders of […]

Alliance Discussion with Dr. Celine Gounder, Senior Fellow and Editor-at-Large for Public Health, KFF Health News

Meeting the Moment: A conversation with public health champion Celine Gounder What comes to mind when you think of medical progress? Lives saved; diseases eradicated; lessons learned? Join us on January 30 at 12:30 p.m. Eastern for a discussion with Dr. Celine Gounder, Senior Fellow and Editor-at-Large for Public Health, KFF Health News, and recipient […]

Alliance Discussion with the Alzheimer’s Association

Research!America hosted a conversation about the importance and impact of advocacy with two extraordinary research champions. Dr. Joanne Pike, President and CEO of the Alzheimer’s Association, and Tony Gonzales, Alzheimer’s Association National Early-Stage Advisor, joined us for this important discussion. The Alzheimer’s Association is the recipient of Research!America’s 2024 Paul G. Rogers Distinguished Organization Advocacy Award. Dr. Pike […]

Alliance Discussion with Dr. Elaine Larson, Columbia University School of Nursing

Considered one of the top global health threats facing humanity by the World Health Organization, antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is on the rise. In the United States alone, AMR is implicated in nearly 3 million infections and tens of thousands of deaths each year. On February 6th at 12 PM ET, Dr. Elaine Larson, Anna C Maxwell […]

Alliance Discussion with Dr. Abraham Verghese, Bestselling Author of Cutting for Stone and The Covenant of Water; Professor, Stanford

Dr. Abraham Verghese, Bestselling Author of Cutting for Stone and The Covenant of Water, Linda R. Meier and Joan F. Lane Provostial Professor and Vice Chair of the Department of Medicine at Stanford University School of Medicine, joined us to discuss how his career in medicine and writing has shaped his outlook on the art and science of human connection. Dr. Verghese is the 2024 […]

Alliance Discussion with Josh Denny, CEO of the All of Us Research Program, NIH

Since 2018, The All of Us Research Program within the National Institutes of Health has undertaken a historic effort to collect and study data from one million or more people living in the United States to create better health for all of us through precision medicine. On February 29 at 2 pm ET, Dr. Josh Denny, Chief […]

Alliance Discussion on Research!America January National Survey

With Americans preparing to cast their ballots this fall, keeping a pulse on public opinion is key! For more than 30 years, Research!America has commissioned public opinion surveys to help understand Americans’ views on medical, health, and scientific research and other pressing issues related to public health, research, and innovation. On Wednesday, March 6 at 11 […]

Alliance Discussion with Rashi Romanoff, Chief Executive Officer, and Liz Stout, Communications and Public Policy Administrator, National Association of Veterans’ Research and Education Foundations (NAVREF)

VA research does not demand the spotlight, but richly deserves it: from conducting the first trials of effective treatments of tuberculosis to pioneering the treatment of hypertension, the VA has been at the forefront of research advances that benefit veterans and us all. On Thursday, March 21st at 12:00 p.m. ET, the National Association of […]

Alliance Discussion with Dr. Josh Gordon, Director of the National Institute of Mental Health

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) is turning 75 this year! For 75 years, NIMH has transformed the understanding and treatment of mental illnesses through basic and clinical research—bringing hope to millions of people.  Dr. Joshua Gordon, Director of the National Institute of Mental Health joined us share his thoughts on the Institutes’ evolution […]

Alliance Discussion with Dr. Karen Andes, Director of the MPH Program, Associate Professor of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Brown University

Community-Based Participatory Research for Public Health: Challenges, Opportunities, and Approaches Dr. Karen Andes, Director of the MPH Program, Associate Professor of Behavioral and Social Sciences at Brown University, joined us to explain the principles of community-based participatory research (CBPR), and provide a brief overview of participatory approaches to public health research, particularly as related to […]

Alliance Discussion with Dr. Cheryl McNeil, Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Florida

On Tuesday, April 9 at noon ET, leading psychologist and behavioral research specialist, Dr. Cheryl McNeil, Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Florida, joined us to discuss the research that is helping children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and their parents navigate their day to day lives. Dr. McNeil discussed her groundbreaking therapeutic approach, Parent-Child […]

Alliance Discussion: New Developments in Womens Health Research

Women continue to be understudied and underrepresented in health research despite meaningful reforms over the past three decades. On April 25th at noon E.T. Katie Schubert, President and CEO of the Society for Women’s Health Research (SWHR), and Lori Frank, President of Women’s Health Access Matters (WHAM), joined us to discuss actions by the Biden Administration […]

Research!America Alliance Member-Only Meeting on Implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) with Nick Bath and Adam Finkelstein, Manatt, Phelps & Phillips

If you are with a Research!America alliance member, join us on April 30th at noon ET for an off-the-record discussion with Nick Bath and Adam Finkelstein from Manatt, Phelps & Phillips. We’ve asked Nick and Adam to provide an update on implementation of the Medicare drug price negotiation provisions of the IRA. Regardless of one’s views on these […]

Alliance Discussion with Alison Feinswog, Senior Legislative Assistant for Rep. Mike Levin

On March 2nd, 2024, Representatives Mike Levin (CA-49) and Drew Ferguson (GA-03) reintroduced the bipartisan Saving Us from Pandemic Era Resistance by Building a Unified Global Strategy (SUPER BUGS) Act. The bill, H.R. 1305, is intended to assure a coordinated, collaborative global response to the growing threat of antimicrobial resistance. On May 7th at noon E.T. Alison Feinswog, Senior Legislative Assistant […]

Alliance Members Only: The FY25 Budget Process Has Gained Momentum, But What’s Next?

Both the House and Senate are determined to complete their versions of all 12 Fiscal Year 2025 appropriations bills well before Congress adjourns for August recess.  At the same time, there are valid concerns regarding the insufficiency of the debt ceiling deal-imposed caps on Defense and Non-Defense discretionary spending. What does this all mean for the federal funding needed […]

Alliance Discussion with Dr. Jeanne Marrazzo, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) at the NIH 

As part of the National Institutes of Health, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) works to ensure that our nation remains at the forefront of addressing the burden of over forty infectious, immunologic, and allergic diseases. On Wednesday, May 22, the Director of NIAID, Dr. Jeanne Marrazzo joined us for an alliance […]

Alliance Discussion: Sepsis: Gaining Ground Against a Lethal Threat

Sepsis, a life-threatening emergency that happens when your body’s response to an infection damages vital organs, affects over 1.7 million people and takes the lives of over 6,800 children in the U.S. each year. On Wednesday, May 29 at noon E.T. Thomas Heymann, President & CEO of Sepsis Alliance, and Dr. Mallory Perry-Eaddy, Assistant Professor at the University […]

Alliance Discussion with Dr. Megan Frisk, director for International Affairs at ARPA-H

Since its establishment in 2022, the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H) has been working to accelerate better health outcomes for everyone by supporting “big bets” in the health arena: time-limited, high-risk, high-reward projects aimed at achieving major breakthroughs in health.  Megan Frisk, PhD, director for International Affairs at ARPA-H, joined us for a […]

Alliance Discussion: Finding New Hope in Existing Drugs: a conversation with ARPA-H Project Awardee Dr. David Fajgenbaum, Co-Founder & President of Every Cure

Globally, there are millions of people diagnosed with diseases that have no available or approved treatments. Drug repurposing or using an approved drug as a new treatment for another disease has been an effective, but underutilized tool in therapeutic discovery. In February 2024, Every Cure received an ARPA-H Project Award to develop an AI-powered platform, called ML/AI-enabled […]

Alliance Discussion with Dr. Bruce Tromberg, Director of the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB)

Dr. Bruce Tromberg, Director of the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH),  joined us to discuss the critical role the Institute plays in advancing early detection, accurate diagnosis, and effective treatment of a host of deadly and debilitating health threats.  What are the greatest hopes and […]

Alliance Members Only NIH Meeting

On Friday, June 14, Representative Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA), who chairs the House Energy & Commerce Committee, released a report and framework recommending significant changes in the structure and operations of the National Institutes of Health (NIH).  Her press release on the framework links to a commentary in STAT she and Labor-HHS Appropriations Chair Robert Aderholt (R-AL) authored that sets the […]

NIH Meeting 2.0: A Research!America Alliance Members-only Zoom Meeting

We hosted a second alliance member-only Zoom meeting focused on the NIH Reform Framework for Discussion Representative Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) released on July 14. Featuring Grace Graham and Molly (Brimmer) Lolli with the Majority staff of the House Energy and Commerce Committee and Kathryn Salmon with the Majority staff of the House Labor, Health and Human Services, […]

Alliance Discussion with the CDC National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (NCEZID)

Earlier this year, record-breaking outbreaks of dengue fever drew significant attention worldwide, including the U.S. territory of Puerto Rico.  Though once seen as a disease that only afflicted people in developing countries, dengue and other tropical diseases are an increasing global and public health threat. On Tuesday, July 9th we were joined by Dr. David […]

Alliance Discussion with Quinn Ritchie, Legislative Director for Rep. Mike Kelly

Clinical trials are essential to making cutting-edge research available to all Americans, but participating in these trials can be a financial burden for participants and their families. Earlier this year, Representatives Mike Kelly (R-PA-16) and Chrissy Houlahan (D-PA-6) introduced H.R. 7418, the Harley Jacobsen Clinical Trial Participant Income Exemption Act. The bipartisan bill would exempt […]

Members Only Meeting on ARPA-H with Diane Sidebottom and Benjamin Bryant

Partnering with ARPA-H What are the nuts and bolts of partnering with ARPA-H? Diane Sidebottom, the Director of the Business Innovation Division at ARPA-H, and Benjamin Bryant, the Division’s Deputy Director, have agreed to join us to provide a run-down on contracting with the agency and any questions you may have about partnering. If you’re interested in being […]

Reflecting Reality: How to Improve Participant Diversity in Neuroscience Research 

Ancestry-associated genes have an important impact on mental health, yet only 5% of neuroscience research subjects are from underrepresented populations. This limits the application of research into a variety of diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease. On Friday, July 19 at 11:00 a.m. ET, the African Ancestry Neuroscience Research Institute joined us to discuss […]

Alliance Members-only: 21st Century Cures 2.1 Discussion with Emily Mace, Deputy Chief of Staff & Counsel for Rep. Larry Bucshon and David Steury, Health Policy Director for Rep. Diana DeGette 

On June 6, 2024,  House Energy & Commerce Committee Members Larry Bucshon (R-LA), Vice Chair of the Health Subcommittee, and Diana DeGette (D-CO), Ranking Member of the Energy, Climate, and Grid Security Subcommittee, released a request for input on a new iteration of the landmark, bipartisan 21st Century Cures Act. With the August 2nd due […]

Understanding the Power and Possibility of Clinical Trials

Rayburn House Office Building; Room 2075 45 Independence Ave SW, Room 2075, Washington, D.C., United States

Clinical trials are vital to medical and health progress; public knowledge about, access to, and trust in clinical trials are critical to their success. As an essential component of the biomedical research pipeline, clinical trials are necessary building blocks to create better health for all. On Tuesday, July 30, 2024, we held an in-person lunch […]

H5N1 Bird Flu: What You Need to Know with Dr. Jennifer Nuzzo  

The H5N1 bird flu has made its way to U.S. dairy farms. While the general public’s risk remains low, health and agriculture officials have their work cut out to prevent a potential pandemic. On July 31 at 11:00 a.m. ET, Dr. Jennifer Nuzzo, an epidemiologist and Director of the Pandemic Center at Brown University School of Public […]

Alliance Members-Only: NIH Reform Meeting #3

As part of our meeting series on NIH reform proposals, Research!America will be hosting a third alliance members-only meeting on Thursday, Aug. 1st at 12:00 p.m. ET. We invite you to join us for a brainstorming session focused on the NIH reform framework proposal House Energy & Commerce Committee Chair, Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) released on June, 14, 2024, with […]

Exploring Pediatric Skin Health with Dr. Mike Siegel

Our skin is our first line of defense against disease and often reveals important clues to our overall health. On Wednesday, September 4, Dr. Mike Siegel, Executive Director of the Pediatric Dermatology Research Alliance (PeDRA), to share his experience in both academia and non-profit advocacy in his role at PeDRA. The organization has over 600 […]

ARPA-H Roundtable with Dr. Susan Monarez, Ph.D. 

Join us on Monday, September 9, at noon ET for a members-only roundtable with Dr. Susan Monarez, Deputy Director of ARPA-H. She will reflect on past successes and challenges and look ahead to future opportunities at ARPA-H. The session will feature a brief presentation followed by an “Ask Me Anything” segment, with a preference for pre-submitted […]

Alliance Members-only Meeting on CURES 2.1 funding provisions

Join us at 12:00 PM ET on Thursday, September 12, for an alliance members-only meeting to discuss the potential for supplemental funding to be included in the “Cures 2.1” legislation. The 2016 21st Century Cures Act included funding for NIH and FDA: What should Cures 2.1 include? We’ll share perspectives from this meeting with Reps Larry Bucshon and Diana […]

Eating Disorders: Fighting Back, with Dr. Christine Peat

Did you know that nearly 10% of the U.S. population will have an eating disorder sometime during their lifetime or that eating disorders have the second highest mortality rate of any psychiatric illness behind opioid addiction? Eating disorders are under-recognized and stigmatized at a staggering individual and societal cost. On Wednesday, Sept. 25 at 2 p.m. ET Dr. Christine Peat, […]

Innovations for the Public Good: A Talk with Dr. Jason Owen-Smith  

On October 2nd at 1:00 PM, Dr. Jason Owen-Smith, co-founder and Executive Director of the Institute for Research on Innovation and Science (IRIS), housed at the University of Michigan, joined us to discuss this unique consortium and insights from its efforts to capture, communicate, and enhance the public value of academic research and higher education. Bring […]

Alliance Discussion with Dr. Joni Rutter, Director of the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) at the National Institutes of Health

On October 15 at 11:00 a.m. ET, Dr. Joni Rutter, Director of the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), joined us to share NCATS's latest priorities, exciting advances in the field, and her vision for the future. Watch the recording and view the slides.

Behind the Scenes at ARPA-H: Careers, Funding, and Future Breakthroughs 

Are you wondering how to become a program manager? Or what research proposals the agency is looking to fund? Since its inception in 2022, the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H) has been dedicated to biomedical breakthroughs and is constantly looking for new talent. Come join this fireside chat with Dr. Blake Bextine, where […]

An Alliance Member-Only Conversation with BARDA Director Gary Disbrow

If you are with a Research!America Alliance member organization, please join us on Wednesday, October 30 at 12:00 p.m. EDT for an off-the-record conversation with the director of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), Dr. Gary Disbrow. As a highly respected leader in the biodefense arena, we’ve asked Gary to shed  light on the evolving […]

Alliance Members-only: Update on “Cures 2.1”  

We invite Research!America alliance members to a virtual meeting on Monday, November 4 at 12:00 p.m. ET with David Steury, Health Policy Director for Congresswoman Diana DeGette (D-CO). We’ve asked David to provide an update on “Cures 2.1,” a legislative initiative Rep. DeGette and Rep. Larry Bucshon (R-IN) initiated that builds on the landmark 21st […]

Alliance Members-Only Meeting with Dr. Mike Lauer, Director, NIH Office of Extramural Research

The NIH grant application process is continuously evolving and can feel daunting at times. From scores to success rates, to specific aims, to paylines, many factors determine which submissions are competitive and successful. Join Research!America on Wednesday, November 6 at 2:00PM Eastern, for a member's only, off-the-record conversation with Dr. Mike Lauer for a deep dive into this dynamic landscape in FY25. […]

2024 Post Election Briefing

Please join us for an in-the-moment discussion about the election outcomes and implications for the 119th Congress. What do the election results tell us about the legislative outlook for science, medical research and public health next year? The panel will look at the potential impact of the 2024 elections on U.S. research and development.  Speakers […]

Paving the Path to Real-World Impact with ARPA-H’s PATIO Team 

Join us on Monday, November 18, at 12:00 p.m. ET for an interactive discussion with Melissa Antman, the Deputy Director of the Project Accelerator Transition Innovation Office (PATIO) at ARPA-H. PATIO works with ARPA-H partners throughout the lifecycle of their projects, paving the way from concept to real world application. If you are with a […]

Breathing Easier: Tackling the National Challenge of Supplemental Oxygen Access

Across the nation, an estimated 1.5 million Americans rely on oxygen to manage their health yet face significant challenges to monitoring their condition. On Tuesday, November 19, at 1:00 p.m. ET  Dr. Stephen Mathai, Associate Professor of Medicine at Johns Hopkins University and part of the Johns Hopkins Pulmonary Hypertension Program, and Shavini Fernando, Founder […]

Alliance Discussion with Dr. Carolyn Clancy, Assistant Under Secretary for Health for Discovery, Education and Affiliate Networks, Veterans Health Administration

Answering the “Porter Question...”  “How do you know your research has impact on people?”   That’s the deceptively simple question Congressional luminary John Edward Porter (1935-2022, U.S. Representative, R-IL-10, 1980-2001), was known to level at federal officials when they came before the powerful House “Labor-H” Appropriations Subcommittee he chaired.  We’ve asked our 2025 John Edward Porter […]

Alliance Member-only Meeting: Washington Update 

If you are with a Research!America alliance member organization, we hope you’ll participate in an off-the-record discussion focused on advocacy priorities as the transition to a new Administration and Congress moves forward. Cheryl Jaeger from Crossroads Strategies and Leslie Zelenko from KDCR will join the meeting to discuss the policy and funding landscape, and we’ll reserve plenty of time for […]

The Empowered Patient: Advocating for Yourself in the Medical System

Medical journalist Elizabeth Cohen has dedicated her career to helping Americans become smarter, more empowered patients by sharing impactful, real-life stories. After nearly losing her life following the premature birth of her three-pound daughter, Elizabeth made it her mission to help others navigate the often-complicated and overwhelming medical system. Over the years, her reporting has […]

Alliance Member-only Meeting: Off-the-Record Strategy Session

If you are with a Research!America alliance member organization, join us on January 23 at 12:00 p.m. Eastern for our first alliance member-only meeting of 2025, which took place over Zoom. Mary Dee Beal and Leslie Zelenko from KDCR Partners provided a DC update, and we resumed the 2025 policy and advocacy strategy session that got off to such […]

Time-Sensitive: Alliance Member-only Meeting

Research!America hosted a member-only meeting over Zoom to discuss the recent OMB memo pausing certain federal grants and contracts. The meeting took place on Thursday, January 30, at 12:00 PM ET.

Hearing from a Hero: A conversation with public health champion Dr. Alfred Sommer 

On February 3 at 2:00 p.m. Eastern, we had a discussion with Dr. Alfred Sommer, Dean Emeritus, University Distinguished Service Professor, Professor Emeritus, Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, and recipient of Research!America’s 2025 Outstanding Achievement in Public Health Award. In conversation with fellow Bloomberg School professor Dr. Scott Zeger, Dr. Sommer shared insights from […]

Alliance Member-Only Meeting with Erik Fatemi

On Tuesday, February 11 at 12:00 PM ET, Research!America held an alliance member-only meeting over Zoom . In addition to discussing the latest developments in Washington, Erik Fatemi, Principal at Cornerstone Government Affairs joined us for a closer look at the Fiscal Year 2025 (FY25) and FY26 appropriations landscape. This meeting was not open to press. If your organization […]

Where Global Health Meets U.S. Interests: Caring for the World’s Aging Population

Over the next three decades, the global population aged 65 and older is expected to double: what are the societal and health implications of longer lives and aging populations, and how should countries adapt their health systems to prepare for them? We had an enlightening discussion on February 18, 2025 at 10:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. EST featuring […]

Alliance Member-Only Meeting with Cheryl Jaeger

On Tuesday, February 25 at 12:00 PM ET, Research!America will hold an  alliance member-only meeting over Zoom. Cheryl Jaeger from Crossroads Strategies will join us for a meeting to discuss actions, taken and expected, by the administration. We’ll discuss advocacy strategies and reserve plenty of time for Q&A. This meeting is not open to the press or organizations outside the Research!America […]

Gene Therapy and Rare Diseases: A Talk with Dr. Donald S. Wood and Mr. Paul Melmeyer 

On March 5 at 12 p.m. Eastern, Research!America hosted an Alliance Discussion with Dr. Donald S. Wood, President and CEO of the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA), and Paul Melmeyer, Executive Vice President of Public Policy and Advocacy at MDA.  MDA, the 2025 Paul Rogers Distinguished Organization Advocacy Award winner, has been the largest nonprofit supporter […]

Alliance Members-Only Advocacy Training  

Want to advocate for research but don’t know where to start? Research!America members joined us on Tuesday, March 18, at 12PM Eastern for a members-only advocacy training designed to equip you with the tools to engage policymakers and communicate the value of research effectively.  Led by Research!America staff Erin Darbouze, MPH, Senior Director of Policy […]

Alliance Members-Only Meeting with David Super, Georgetown University Law Center Professor

We hosted an alliance member-only meeting over Zoom on Thursday, March 27 from 12:00–1:00 PM Eastern. Our special guest for the meeting was Georgetown University Law Center Professor David Super, whose expertise spans administrative law, constitutional law, and legislation among other research-relevant areas of government policy. We asked David to help clarify the administrative, statutory, […]
