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Board Of Directors & Officers

* Executive Committee Member


Board Members

Deborah Deas, MD, MPH

Dean of the School of Medicine and Vice Chancellor for Health Sciences,  University of California, Riverside

Kafui Dzirasa, MD, PhD

A. Eugene and Marie Washington Presidential Distinguished Professor, Duke University Medical Center

Julie Gerberding, MD, MPH

President and CEO, Foundation for the National Institutes of Health
Director, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2002-2009

Hon. Bart Gordon

Partner, K&L Gates LLP
U.S. Representative, 1985-2011

Céline Gounder, MD, ScM

CBS News Medical Contributor
Editor-at-Large for Public Health at KFF Health News, KFF

Hon. Rush D. Holt, PhD

U.S. Representative, 1999-2015

Karen Knudsen, MBA, PhD

Professor Emerita, Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center and Thomas Jefferson University; Former CEO, American Cancer Society

Mark McClellan, MD, PhD, MPA

Director and Robert J. Margolis, MD, Professor of Business, Medicine and Policy,  Margolis Institute for Health Policy at Duke University;
Administrator, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, 2004-2006; Commissioner, Food and Drug Administration, 2002-2004

Mary Pittman, DrPH

President and Chief Executive Officer Emerita, Public Health Institute

E. Albert Reece, MD, PhD, MBA

Dean Emeritus and Former University Executive Vice President;
Endowed Professor and Director, Center for Advanced Research Training and Innovation (CARTI);
Senior Scientist, Center for Birth Defects Research,
University of Maryland School of Medicine 

John Reed, MD, PhD

Executive Vice President, Innovative Medicine, R&D, Johnson and Johnson

David Reese, MD

Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, Amgen

Lewis G. Sandy, MD, FACP

Principal and Co-Founder, Sulu Coaching

Hon. Donna E. Shalala, PhD

U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services, 1993-2001
U.S. Representative, 2019-2021

Ravi Thadhani, MD, MPH

Executive Vice President for Health Affairs, Emory University
Executive Director, Woodruff Health Sciences Center

M. Roy Wilson, MD

President Emeritus, Wayne State University; Chancellor Emeritus, University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center; Distinguished Professor, Wayne State University School of Medicine

Keith Yamamoto, PhD

Professor Emeritus; Vice Chancellor for Science Policy and Strategy; Director, UCSF Precision Medicine, University of California, San Francisco

Elias A. Zerhouni, MD

Professor Emeritus Radiology and Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University
Director, National Institutes of Health, 2002-2008

Lifetime Director

Former Chairs History

Susan Dentzer 2021-2023
Hon. Mike Castle 2017–2021
Hon. John Edward Porter 2005–2017
Hon. Paul G. Rogers 1996–2005
William G. Anlyan, MD 1992–1996
Edwin C. “Jack” Whitehead 1989–1992

Emeritus Directors

Tenley E. Albright, MD
Hortensia Amaro, PhD
Dennis A. Ausiello, MD
Roger J. Bulger, MD
Gail H. Cassell, PhD
Wendy Chaite, Esq.
Jordan J. Cohen, MD
Hon. Charlie Dent
Sam Donaldson
Robert K. Dresing
Joseph M. Feczko, MD
Susan Fitzpatrick, PhD
Myron Genel, MD
Darío Gil, PhD
Irma E. Goertzen
M.R.C. Greenwood, PhD
William N. Hait, MD, PhD
Larry Hausner, MBA
Martha Hill, PhD, RN
Elmer E. Huerta, MD, MPH
Harry Johns
Jackie Lovelace Johnson
Evan Jones
Elizabeth Baker Keffer
The Honorable Patrick J. Kennedy
Caroline A. Kovac, PhD
Debra R. Lappin, JD
Alan I. Leshner, PhD
James L. Madara, MD

Lucinda Maine, PhD, RPh
John P. Margaritis
Jewell Jackson McCabe
Donnica L. Moore, MD
Elizabeth G. Nabel, MD
William D. Novelli
Edward E. Penhoet, PhD
Guillermo J. Prado, PhD
Gary M. Reedy
Laing Rogers
William L. Roper, MD, MPH
Charles A. Sanders, MD
Mitchel Sayare, PhD
Carol R. Scheman
M. Roy Schwarz, MD
Susan C. Scrimshaw, PhD
John R. Seffrin, PhD
Larry J. Shapiro, MD
Randolph Siegel
Samuel C. Silverstein, MD
Gregory Sorensen, MD
The Honorable Louis W. Sullivan, MD
The Honorable Billy Tauzin
Reed V. Tuckson, MD
Christopher A. Viehbacher
M. Cass Wheeler
John Whitehead
Ruth A. Wooden
Judy Woodruff

