Global Standing in Science and Innovation in 2050

Since Research!America was founded 30 years ago, a key strategy in advocating for medical and health research has been public opinion. As President Abraham Lincoln said, “…public sentiment is everything. With public sentiment, nothing can fail; without it nothing can succeed.” In this blog post series, we’ll highlight the findings of our 2019 national public opinion survey on medical, health, and scientific research, and explore the trends in the data where we can.
U.S. Global Standing in Science and Innovation in 2050
Of significance, 62% do not have confidence that America’s global preeminence will strengthen – they either responded with Statement B, neither or not sure. Research!America’s efforts continue to show that unless we make research and innovation a higher national priority, we will fall behind our competitors globally.
Research!America asked a similar version of this survey question in 2018.
While the results cannot be compared directly, it is interesting to note that more respondents are optimistic when given a timeframe of thirty years out as opposed to the current year.