5 Years Later: COVID-19’s Impact on Trust in Science and Understanding of Health Research

By Miyah Reed
Science Communications Intern
As we mark the five-year anniversary of the COVID-19 pandemic – the World Health Organization issued its pandemic declaration on March 11, 2020 – it’s important to reflect on how this global crisis has shaped public perceptions of science and health research.
Improved Understanding of Health Research
Our commissioned survey, released in January, shows that 56% of Americans say COVID-19 improved their understanding of how health research works. The pandemic served as an opportunity for the public to witness science in action. From vaccine development to new treatments and safety protocols, COVID-19 demonstrates how health research directly impacts our lives.
On the other hand, 33% of respondents felt that COVID-19 made them more confused about how health research works, while 12% were unsure. These mixed responses underscore the need for clearer science communication and increased efforts to make health research more accessible and understandable to everyone.
Trust in Science and Institutions
Our commissioned survey also revealed how COVID-19 has impacted trust in various scientific and public health institutions. Doctors and scientists received the highest marks from the public, 58% of whom say their trust has increased in these respective groups.
While these numbers highlight a positive trend, it’s important to note that there were individuals who experienced a decrease in trust. This reflects the critical importance of transparency, evidence-based decision making, and consistent communication to build and maintain trust during public health crises.
Building on Lessons Learned
As we commemorate milestones five years after COVID-19’s emergence, it’s clear that science must remain at the forefront of addressing health challenges. Moving forward, we must build on the lessons learned over the past five years, focusing on enhancing science communication, strengthening public trust in research, and investing in public health infrastructure.