Americans Believe that Science Should be a Part of the Conversation

When it comes to politics and policy, Americans overwhelmingly believe that science should be a part of the conversation. In a public opinion survey commissioned by Research!America in January 2021 89% of respondents said it was very or somewhat important for scientists to inform elected officials about their research and its impact on society. Similarly, 88% said it was very or somewhat important for elected officials to listen to advice from scientists, and 87% said it was important for elected officials to listen to advice from public health professionals.
Research!America is committed to putting science front and center in policymaking. In order to make this goal a reality, our elected officials need to hear from researchers and constituents about the importance of prioritizing science and listening to advice from researchers and public health professionals. You can find out more about advocating for science on our How to be an Advocate web page.
Check out our Public Opinion Polls page to see the full results from the survey.