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Science & Technology Action Committee

The non-partisan Science and Technology Action Committee (STAC) includes individuals from non-profit, academic, foundation and corporate institutions committed to dramatically increasing U.S. investment in science and technology (S&T).

Boldly committing to renewed S&T investment in the U.S. will spur innovation to:

  • Ensure the U.S. remains the global leader in science and technology.
  • Strengthen our national security.
  • Create a healthier population.
  • Grow our economy.

As part of its advocacy for science, STAC publishes resources that highlight the value of investing in innovation and make the case for much-needed investments in S&T to enable the U.S. to remain a global leader — we encourage you to read and share these materials:


Please also considering endorsing (as an organization or an individual) the Science & Technology Action Plan, which outlines several concrete actions toward a renewed national commitment to investing in S&T to surmount overarching societal threats.

Research!America is a founding member of STAC, which is co-chaired by Keith Yamamoto, Vice Chancellor for Science Policy & Strategy at UCSF; Sudip Parikh, CEO of the American Association for the Advancement of Science; Mary Woolley, President & CEO of Research!America; and Bill Novelli, Professor & Founder of the Business For Impact Center at Georgetown’s McDonough School of Business.

In the News

Mary Woolley on Federal Investments for Medical, Science, and Technology Research

Watch the conversation on C-SPAN.. Mary joined C-SPAN’s Washington Journal in a


Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

The Incredible, Incomparable ROI of R&D

With discussions ongoing between Congress and the President over raising the limit


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Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

What Is Possible

It seems like the right time to remind ourselves of the power of common cause.  On May 19, 2015, two extraordinary champions for faster medical and public health progress – […]

More: What Is Possible

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Americans Are Worried

Lots to talk about today. Stick with me! A report released Tuesday by the nonpartisan Science and Technology Action Committee, which I co-chair with Sudip Parikh, Bill Novelli, and Keith […]

More: Americans Are Worried

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Heating Up!!

A month into summer 2023, it’s impossible to ignore the increasingly visible – and increasingly unbearable – health consequences of a warming planet. Grist and The Associated Press collaborated in […]

More: Heating Up!!

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

The Clock is Ticking

Regardless of the final outcome of party control in the House and Senate for the 118th Congress, the current Congress must still pass a final FY23 spending package. The clock is ticking.

More: The Clock is Ticking

Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter

Show Your Work

Reviews of the first months of the pandemic (and beyond) typically begin with acknowledging failures of communication — the failure to say (or consistently say), “here’s what we know now, […]

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Mary Woolley's Weekly Letter


Dear Research Advocate, Sometimes advocates achieve a milestone so significant that the only thing to do is… take some well-deserved credit! The Science & Technology Action Committee (STAC), of which Research!America […]
