Advocacy Tools
“You can change the image of things to come. But you can’t do it sitting on your hands…”
—The Honorable John Edward Porter, Research!America Chair Emeritus
Representatives and politicians do listen to their constituents. That’s why it’s important to advocate for causes you support. Make your voice heard beyond the voting booth and let Congress know that funding for research is important; it’s important for the economy, for innovation, for medical advances, and for the future. You can be an effective advocate!
Advocacy 101:
Advocacy Resources: The 119th Congress
Research Agency Funding Data for Congressional Outreach
Additional Tips and Tools:
Weigh in on Congressional Funding Priorities
Advocacy How-To: The Do’s and Don’ts of Advocacy
Craft an Email to Your Representatives
5 Easy Steps to Reach Your Congressional Candidates
Public Opinion Survey Results for Advocacy Outreach
Research Takes Cents — Facts comparing consumer spending to research investment
Public Sentiment is Important — Public opinion data to bolster your advocacy
Federal Research Agency Links:
Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority
“We can’t rely on science to speak for itself; it’s something we have to give a face and a voice to – yours!”
—Mary Woolley, Research!America President and CEO, Read bio